Home > Stress


March 15th, 2006 at 09:19 pm

I am so stressed out. I feel as though I have loads to do and not enough time to do it in.

I get paid this week, thank God. I won't really see any of the money as it will mostly go towards the holiday and paying some bills.

My mum wants to get cable tv since we got a letter about an offer that is taking place over the next couple of months (it's half price). I said I thought it was a bad idea (we struggle as it is). I think my mum was annoyed but I was just being realistic: there's no point in adding another bill when there's barely enough money sometimes for the other ones.

I'm going to try and pay more than the minimum payment on some of the bills, especially the ones with a high interest rate. I really should have done that ages ago. I just want them out of the way.

My boyfriend and I have had a discussion the other day about all of the saving that we need to do for this holiday. We've decided to go to the cinema once a month as a treat, although we're not going to buy food at the cinema since it's expensive. We need to have some fun, we can't just save for the holiday all of the time.

It is so obvious that neither one of us have regular savings. If we did we may have struck a balance between spending and saving. It doesn't help that we both work in a supermarket, help out with money at home and have debts (well he has a lot more than me) He has a Visa to pay off and a loan he took out years ago. I'm glad I'm not in that situation. His attitude sometimes is spend now, worry later. I have to admit that he has been better since the holiday was booked. He has also decided that he is going to put some money into my savings account once the holiday's paid for. If it's in my account he can't touch it and it will go towards moving out...when we finally get rid of all this debt and everyone is financially sorted. I need a lot of luck, and more money.

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