Home > Unplanned expenses & getting organised

Unplanned expenses & getting organised

March 6th, 2011 at 07:44 pm

This weekend two friends got in touch with me and hubby. Both of them want to meet up. We're meeting hubby's friend tonight at the pub for a few (soft) drinks. On Friday we're meeting my friend at the pub too. I'm expecting Friday to cost more since we're both going to have a few drinks, not a lot though. I haven't seen her since last year. I explained to my friend that we're going away in a few weeks so will need money for that.

Hubby bought some food for our trip during the week. We now have plenty of Pot Noodles, macaroni, pasta and instant mashed potato to last us a week. When we got to the checkout I explained to the woman that we're really not that unhealthy; we're just stocking up for going away. When we came home, we found some individual portions of cereal in our cupboard - a Variety Pack - so we're going to take them aswell. Next on the list is toiletries although we won't be taking a lot. We'll be buying them on Friday.

I packed everything at work today. I have plenty of snacks to last me for a few weeks so I should manage to avoid spending at work.

2 Responses to “Unplanned expenses & getting organised”

  1. TarWalker Says:

    Great job planning on the food for the trip! We do that when we're not on our "food vacations".

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Thanks Smile

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