Home > Spending Update

Spending Update

March 13th, 2014 at 05:37 pm

I spent 16.xx at Tesco on party food, although this did include a jar of coffee (2.50 store brand) and a box of decaf tea bags which were also store brand and under two pounds. I bought a six pack of bubbles for 1.50 to put into the party bags.

Hubby commented when I came home that this has turned into a party. It's true, it has; a last minute party which is really badly organised. Next year I will budget money for SG's party - or birthday event - because we will probably do something. I was organised for her gift (although we're still waiting on a sale item arriving, so that'll be a few days late) just not this.

I was going to make potato salad for the buffet until I realised that I don;t have all of the ingredients, not even spring onion. Oh well.

On a totally different subject, this morning I checked my mum's online bank account (I'm allowed to, I set it up, she doesn't have a computer) to see that she hadn't left enough money in for one of her bills, so I transferred the difference, £12 out of savings. I then phoned her and explained what I had to do. She said she completely forgot that this payment was due out this week. I used that opportunity to say why this was a good reason to have savings (says me, with hardly any)otherwise she would have been charged by her bank for an unauthorised overdraft (5/day) Needless to say, she said keep on saving.

1 Responses to “Spending Update”

  1. bluesfemme Says:

    I rarely hold parties, but when i do i always second-guess myself late and have to run out and get more food. It's a bit of an anxiety thngs, where i just don't want people to have any reason to leave. I hope SG junior's party was smashing :-)

    And, it's wonderful what you are doing for your mum and hopefully you two can encourage each other with the savings.

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