Home > Mix Up

Mix Up

July 24th, 2014 at 11:56 pm

Hubby went to work this morning and found out that he's not back until next week. So I've got him for an extra week. He obviously got his dates mixed up, I just hope that it works out ok pay wise.

Tomorrow is pay day. Or rather today even. I checked my bank balance and it's not updated so it obviously doesn't go in at midnight (It's 1250am here) I wonder when it will post?

I remember in school my friend's (ex) boyfriend used to go to the pub and spend a lot. Then at midnight he would withdraw money when he got paid. More spending. All I want to do is pay a few bills while JI is sleeping.

I can't wait until CC1 is under 1k... Hopefully by next month. I don't want to get my hopes up. (My sidebar isn't accurate so it's not too much to ask)

Okay I'm thinking I might just try and go to sleep now since I haven't got any financial news plus this post is all over the place.

1 Responses to “Mix Up”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Well, that was a nice surprise, another week of vacation!

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