Home > Observations


September 12th, 2013 at 07:35 am

After using the envelope system for almost three weeks, it's obvious there are a couple of problems:

- Two out of three envelopes have fallen apart so I had to put the money in new envelopes. I'm going to have a good look through what I already own to see if I have something better than envelopes to put my money in - maybe a little folder or a pencil case?

- I've not budgeted enough for food shopping. Yesterday I went to buy fruit and veg because we were running low, and I overspent by £5. I guess 120 for a family of three is too little. I'm unsure whether to increase this by ten or twenty pounds though. ( I took the money from my household envelope) Eight days till payday and we will need milk before then.

Hopefully I can fix these problems soon.

1 Responses to “Observations”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I think I might increase by twenty pounds if it has been very tight. If there is leftover each week you could just roll into the next week, or snowflake the extra to debt.

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