December 31st, 2017 at 08:30 am
I wrote out a long entry, but I forgot to copy it and I lost it. Anyway, here's some goals.
1. Beginning February, pay 125 to 0% card. (also check how many months I didn't pay 125 - I think it's 5)
2. Continue to track spending. Review once a week, since I seem to lose enthusiasm as time goes on after payday.
3. Save for Christmas - adding in saving at butchers and asda too. Ideally, I'd love for all of Christmas spending to come from saved money. (Money usually budgeted for food could go to debt. That would be amazing)
Have 1-2 Complan a day, as per dietitian's request.
I think that's all.
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December 29th, 2017 at 06:49 am
As much as I can, anyway. I've been looking at some budget meals. I also will plan around what we already have in - so turkey twice over the next few weeks (I had three tubs leftover which I froze, we're using one today)
Still no sign of us getting the warm home discount yet, so I'll just try to use energy wisely.
I'm going to pack snacks for when I'm out, and especially for after work when I sometimes buy a sandwich.
I haven't phoned my phone company to cancel yet. I'll do that today, but it won't impact next month now.
I'll just try my best to save money.
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December 15th, 2017 at 07:29 am
It was SG's first nativity play yesterday (at nursery they just sang, they didn't tell a story). I spent:
-£4 entry (£2 each)
-£1 at the craft fayre
Then I bought a raffle ticket from J's nursery (£1)
Completely unrelated, I also got my hair cut (£18)
It's dress down day today, so that's another pound. Last week it was Christmas Jumper Day/Save the Children and I spent £2 for them both to wear theirs.
This is mostly for my notes. It's all in my notebook in my bag anyway.
Oh, we just wrote cards to each of the staff since DH and I ate the chocolates I bought for the teachers (they were two small boxes). Lesson learned: buy them later next year.
I'll also be spending £36.75 at the butchers next week.
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December 10th, 2017 at 07:42 am
Yesterday I spent some time thinking about UFM. I checked bank statements from January and February this year; I put 107 extra towards debt after this year's Uber Frugal Month. I don't think I'll be able to match it next 6ear for two reasons: 1. We aren't getting warm home discount yet (I switched suppliers and I've been told we're in the latter stages of the process) and 2. I pay the equivalent to dh's credit card. Anyway, I will definitely give it my best shot, especially since I've had more time to think about it this time round - last year I only heard about it from Debtfreebythirty's blog post.
DH is going to decrease the number of screens on Netflix in preparation. I'll remind him today.
I need to phone my current phone supplier to cancel since I'm taking over Dh's plan - he's joined a new one via our cable supplier.
I checked online for recipes using pearl barley and saved a few. I've got a bag in the cupboard that's barely been touched.
Lastly, I reread some blog entries from fellow SAers who took part.
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Uber Frugal Month
December 8th, 2017 at 01:20 pm
I just signed up for Uber Frugal Month, starting on 1st January. It should get me in a good mindset for the rest of the year, and hopefully save me some money. I told hubby I'd signed up. He's fine with it, but he didn't want to read the blog post about it.
I went to Aldi today. Spent 53.xx.
Paid 75 to my 0% card - that'll increase in February when I've paid off the catalogue.
I read an article about the company I work for planning to cut 800 jobs.
Thanks for all of your comments on yesterday's post.
Edited to add:
I'm trying to think of ways to be Uber Frugal next month. I can reduce the number of screens/devices on Netflix, always pack lunch (extra for a Saturday) and pack extra snacks to eat before work when I get there early. Hmm. I'll also use up the food that we have before going shopping.
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December 7th, 2017 at 06:57 am
I'm a bit fed up just now. Tomorrow is payday, which usually perks me up, but I don't know. I had to withdraw from my meager savings to cover spending. I thought I was doing good at managing it. Sigh.
A few people got laid off at work yesterday. I think it'll be us next. All the more reason for me to focus on getting out of debt and building up my emergency fund again.
I've been on social media less. It just doesn't help my mood when I'm feeling like this.
I just need to come up with a plan.
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