December 31st, 2015 at 12:22 pm
Tesco credit card: 1475.00
Bank of Scotland:109.17
Emergency fund is sitting at 356 right now. I'm really hoping not to touch this if I can get away with it.
ETA: I had 5132 worth of credit card debt this time last year, now it's 4228.97. I wasn't tracking the catalogue so I have nothing to compare it to.
Posted in
December 28th, 2015 at 03:07 pm
I can't complain about this year, not really. I focused on my catalogue debt finally and have managed to switch most of my credit card debt to zero percent cards. Also I built up some savings for the first time ever.
Personally, I turned thirty which I remember dreading and I also returned to work again after maternity keave. I also dabbled in my love of creative writing by attempting NaNoWriMo. More importantly though I found a best friend this year (other than husband, I mean) It has helped so much and I completely didn't see it coming.
As for next year, who knows right now? I want to continue paying down debt and saving but the first few months or so might just be about survival.
Posted in
December 18th, 2015 at 02:14 pm
I got paid last week. So did hubby, it was his last payday. In three weeks our new reality will set in.
I haven't made any goals for next year yet, well none financial anyway.
I can count on one hand the number of Christmas cards I've sent this year. I'm going for quality over quantity this year. No longer sending a card because "we went to school together" etc. If you don't talk to me, don't expect a card.
I sent a parcel to my best friend. It was very well received. Totally worth it. They weren't expecting it so that made it better.
My mum came over today with three huge sacks, or four, of presents for the kids. She's coming over for dinner on Christmas day. Still not one hundred percent ready.
Need to check current debt balances... I've been laxidasical recently.
Emergency fund intact for now.
Posted in
December 12th, 2015 at 05:37 am
340.00 Beginning Balance
+10.00 Four-weekly deposit
+_2.00 weekly deposit
352.00 New Balance
It's bittersweet though because it will be getting used soon. Such a pity.
Posted in
December 7th, 2015 at 11:03 am
I've been avoiding updating.
November went well, wrote 25k for NaNoWriMo. I enjoyed it.
Husband quit his job to help me more so hopefully I'll get back to my normal self. Emergency fund will be gone next month I think. Trying to adapt. It's only temporary, I hope. The sooner I'm healthier the better.
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