February 22nd, 2012 at 09:31 am
It's been a few weeks since I've updated. I finished up work on the 15th. I have to say it's been nice not having to follow a schedule. Apart from taking hubby to work I've been trying to get as much rest as possible.
My car failed its MOT. I took the money out of savings. While it's depressing to know that my savings have been almost depleted, it is better knowing that than adding to my ever increasing credit card debt.
Not much to report money wise. I haven't been doing any impulsive spending since I haven't been at work to do it. I need to return a few baby items which will be too small for baby when he/she arrives. One of them I've lost my receipt for but that will just go on a gift card.
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Car fund
February 6th, 2012 at 04:12 pm
First of all, I have a confession: I used credit card 2. I wish I hadn't. As for CC1 I'm going to update my balance the same date each month once the payment and interest has been applied. It looks as though today is the day that my new statement is usually available to look at.
I started packing my hospital bag, only to realise that there's a lot we still need to buy. It's a bigger job than I thought it would be.
I took money out of my car fund to help my mum out (it was the only cash I had in the house)
I found out why I've been so tired: I'm meant to have been taking iron tablets since the end of December. After Christmas I picked up my prescription and there were tablets in the bag that I didn't recognise so I didn't take them. Well we went to see the midwife and one of the first things she said was that I have been taking iron tablets. Nope. The last time we went I don't remember her telling me I needed them.
My MOT is due this month. In fact I need to find last year's certificate to double check the date. I can see savings taking a hit... I guess it's better than using the credit card which I'm hoping NOT to do.
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Car fund
October 21st, 2011 at 02:59 pm
My car fund now has £51 in it. My original goal at the start of the year was to have £200 in it but it just wasn't feasible, so I changed it. I know I will need more than £50 in it but right now I'm declaring it a success.
My EF however, only has £7.60. I thought I was close to £20. I will have to get that sorted soon.
I have still to add money to regular savings and baby fund.
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Car fund
August 10th, 2011 at 07:29 pm
After work I went shopping for a birthday present for my friend's little boy. I budgeted £15, spent £7.44, I just need to post it now.
I added £7.60 to my emergency fund and £10 to my car fund.
I'm going to phone my credit card company tomorrow and cancel the repayment cover. They charge me almost £20 each month. I never would have took it out normally, just when the woman in the bank was telling me about it, I thought I should get it. Well, I can do without it now.
The minimum payment for my catalogue has decreased by £20 but my CC1 min payment has increased. That's because of last month's shopping for hubby's gran's funeral. I was expecting an increase.
My goal is just to get though this month. It's not been the best month so far. If I have money in the bank before payday that will be good.
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Car fund
June 30th, 2011 at 04:43 pm
It's the the last day of June and I haven't spent a penny
I think that my NSM has been a success, despite a few setbacks - namely my windscreen and breakdown cover.
Here's what I spent this month:
£35.78 Beginning balance
- £2.78 (savings transfer)
+ £781.76 (wages)
- £13.00 (dental plan)
- £25.00 (savings transfer)
- £160.00 ("rent")
- £300.00 (hubby)
- £65.00 (credit card 2)
- £41.00 (credit card 1)
- £56.00 (catalogue)
- £70 (cash withdrawal)
- £20.00 (cash withdrawal)
+ £300.00 (cash credit - hubby)
- £2.40 (ASDA)
- £4.50 (candles)
- £45.00 (dentist)
- £70.00 (windscreen replacement)
- £50.00 (DH debt to MIL)
- £16.76 (AA)
+ £105.00 (cash credit)
- £90.75 (6 month road tax)ras
- £50.00 (savings transfer)
- £22.31 (phone bill)
+ £45.00 (dentist reimbursement)
- £98.42 (car insurance)
- £18.90 (Harry Potter tickets)
- £16.68 (AA)
+ £20.00 (money from mum for tickets)
- £49.04 (savings transfer)
= £0.00
Extra transferred to savings = £101.82
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
I decided to add everything saved apart from small change (5p, 2p and 1p) I added £20 to my car fund and £14.40 to my emergency fund. I put the small change into my money bags which I'll take to the bank soon and add to savings.
All in all, I've done better than I thought I would.If my windscreen didn't need replaced I would have saved £70 more, but that's life. Now all I need to do is think of my July goals.
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Car fund
May 25th, 2011 at 07:02 pm
My emergency fund and car fund, that is. I took TarWalker's advice - thanks! -and started small. Before I left for work this morning I put £1 into an envelope for my emergency fund and done the same for my car fund. After work hubby's mum phoned and asked me to pick up bread. She gave me the money when I came in. I put the small change into money bags that I take to the bank every few months and I put the pound coin into my emergency fund.
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Car fund