January 8th, 2020 at 02:44 pm
I just totalled up my spending so far:
Groceries: 92.33
Online shopping for kids: 24.55
I didn't realise I was close to £100. 76.73 of it was our weekly online grocery shop. Next week we're going to Aldi.
Eldest needed a few basics and J needed swimwear for school. My work had a special discount event. I decided to order online to prevent impulse buys. I did have to pay £2.95 delivery but I'm okay with that.
J also needs glasses. I didnt want to take him to get them during the Christmas rush. We will go on Friday.
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Uber Frugal Month
January 1st, 2020 at 08:21 pm
Today was good. It was a NSD.
Steak pie from the butchers for dinner. Chocolate gateau for pudding. Lots of gateau leftover. I was going to defrost either pork or turkey for tomorrow but the fridge is full. So we'll have an omelette or something instead.
Lots of snacks leftover from Christmas to use up.
Note: eldest two like German chocolate snacks I bought for Christmas.
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Uber Frugal Month
January 1st, 2020 at 10:01 am
Happy New Year to everyone! It's been ages since I posted. Youngest is now one.
I'm going to attempt Uber Frugal Month Challenge since I didn't do it last year. I need to get back on track. Just waiting on the link to the Facebook group. I'll definitely give it my best shot.
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