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No Spend Day

May 16th, 2006 at 04:09 pm

I've been sitting at my computer ALL DAY. Of course I haven't spent a penny. Finally another day like this in May.

First no spend day in May

May 13th, 2006 at 08:57 am

On Thursday I didn't spend a penny. My friend took me to her house and brought me back so that saved on bus fare.

Got paid yesterday. I have enough to pay £180 to the holiday and £100 for Graduation. I need to pay some bills too. Actually I'm going to pay one today before work.

No Spend Day

April 30th, 2006 at 11:05 am

I haven't spent a penny so far today and I don't plan to. The weather's quite nice so I might sit outside and catch up on some coursework that needs done.

No Spend Day..spent at the computer

March 28th, 2006 at 12:08 pm

I really should think of new headings for my entries. Well it is a no spend day and I'm pleased about that.

I cancelled my driving lesson for Thursday. I need to go into university and work on my project. I have a lot of it to write. I've saved myself some money by doing that. I have a double lesson, which i was meant to have on Thursday, next Thursday instead.

I have a couple of thousand words to write today, maybe more if I can manage it. After I've graduated I'll need to make my no spend days less boring. No spending shouldn't have to equal boring, right?

No Spend Day

March 26th, 2006 at 08:43 pm

Finally another one this month. I'm hoping to have another one soon.

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