Home > Change of plans, I think

Change of plans, I think

March 1st, 2006 at 08:47 pm

Yesterday was a really bad day. A company phoned up saying I was in arrears of £17 which I paid over the phone. They said I owed them arrears plus another payment which totalled up to £34. However when I gave the man on the phone my card number he said that the payment was declined! I can't believe it. I haven't been very good recently in checking my bank balance but I thought I would definetly have enough to pay that! So it looks like I'm i'm overdrawn, I hate being overdrawn. I'll know for sure when I check my balance this week.

I get paid on March 17th and I'll need to put money aside for my holiday.

I cancelled a driving lesson I'm meant to have tomorrow. If I really am skint then I can't afford it this week.

I'm doing overtime tomorrow but I'm not going to manage 8-10 hours per week because my project is a lot of work.

1 Responses to “Change of plans, I think”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    Sounds like you could use a hug! I always figure times like you are going through right now serve to make you stronger and wiser. From experience, I know how bumpy that road can be! Best wishes for better times ahead - and soon!!

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