Home > Lunch challenge

Lunch challenge

June 1st, 2010 at 06:20 pm

For the June Lunch Challenge I have set these rules for myself:

1. bring own breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack
2. no additional spending

I will do this for 16 days since my week is a 4-day week.

Today was the first day of it. Before I started work this morning I bought a pack of 80 teabags for 28p. I'll keep them in my locker. For breakfast I brought in cereal, and had tea with that. For lunch I had a sandwich, yoghurt and a sweet. For my afternoon break I had a cup of tea and a packet of sweets that I had bought a few days ago.

2 Responses to “Lunch challenge”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Sounds great Sarah! I need to stock my desk at work with goodies Smile

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Thanks! I don't work at a desk so I'll need to keep some goodies in my locker Smile

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