Home > Last day of June Lunch Challenge & 2010 goals (LONG entry)

Last day of June Lunch Challenge & 2010 goals (LONG entry)

June 30th, 2010 at 07:00 pm

I bought something at work today (a roll at breakfast) I don't feel bad though because I exceeded my goal of 16 days, only by one day though but I'm still pleased.

I'm working early tomorrow, 6am start, it's extra money though.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow, it's well overdue.

I noticed people are posting how they're getting on with their goals for this year. So how am I getting on?

-Start an Emergency Fund: it's started, just not a lot in it

- Pay MIL the rest of the money I owe her: done in May 2010

- Clear washing machine debt - have been making payments every month, in fact I need to order more payment slips

- Clear catalogue: been paying more than the minimum and I've managed to reduce my bill but it's not clear yet

- Get a used car - done in March

- Pay for Christmas with cash only: been putting £15 away every month towards high street vouchers

I'm not much further forward than I was a few months ago. And I have managed to add on some credit card debt (DH is helping to pay it off too though, it's not all mine)

One of my goals should have been for me and DH to get our own place. It is one of my goals, I just haven't written it on my sidebar. We really want to have our own place by November. We just need our own space. Honestly we are doing terrible saving and I hate to admit it. I have a savings blog, I should be doing better!! It just really annoys me. We didn't want to be here this long.

Sorry for the rant. If you managed to get this far, thanks for taking the time to read.

1 Responses to “Last day of June Lunch Challenge & 2010 goals (LONG entry)”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    It is important to evaluate goals from time to time, just to see if you are on track. If you aren't than you can make adjustments or improvements to get back on track. Good luck!!

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