Well not really, MIL is home. DH is working tonight, he's covering a shift. It's good because he hasn't done overtime in a while.
As soon as I stepped into our room today I noticed MIL had been in our room. DH hates when she does it. I do too but he has proper arguments with her. The last time he brought it up they had a huge argument and MIL used the phrase "it's my name on the house" It's times like that when I wish we had our own place. Hopefully tonight won't turn into an argument, although by every right it should, DH has told her that we deal with our room. It's silly how I know she's been in. She's tidied the room and put Farmfoods bags in the bin. A few weeks ago I bought bin liners for our room which I've been using. MIL doesn't know about them, I keep them in a bag (which, in fact is out in plain sight) DH does though, and he would have used them.
Home alone
August 16th, 2010 at 06:20 pm
August 18th, 2010 at 04:04 am 1282100649
August 18th, 2010 at 06:57 pm 1282154271