Home > Update


March 31st, 2011 at 09:16 am

We came home on Tuesday night, it was great to get away. I have to admit I enjoyed it, if only it was permanent. It's not all good news though, a few days into our trip we started spending money for food, not a lot, but some. This money wasn't for our holiday, it was for my bills which are due out within the next few days. Today I have to go to the bank and take money out of savings to replace it. We spent £100. This included travelling too. We had plenty of Pot Noodles but a few days in we were getting bored, next time we're bringing different pasta dishes with us. We came back with four Pot Noodles so hubby is going to take them to work.

I got my credit card bill before we left. I took a good look at it when I woke up this morning. It's at 2k now! I have to get that balance down.

We discussed using savings to pay off debt while we were away. Hubby thinks I should use my savings to make a dent in the credit card; I'm against it. I told him I will feel bad enough taking money out to replace the money we used. However, I can see his point though. I know that if we don't have debt or have less debt we can put more into savings. But I do feel better adding to savings. Maybe if I had a few grand saved, or even £1000 it wouldn't bother me, but it does. We need savings to get out of here.

2 Responses to “Update ”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    At least it was a small splurge. When I was in bad financial straits, sometimes I would freak out and spend several hundred or even a thousand, just because I felt so constrained. Releasing pressure in a small way now and then will help you be disciplined overall.

    my opinion on your question: If you're still using the credit card (adding debt to it), I wouldn't take money from savings to pay it off. That would be the same as taking money from savings to go on a shopping spree. Wait until you're confident you won't use the credit card anymore and are on the straight-and-narrow path to paying it off; then it might be OK to use savings to accelerate the payoff.

  2. scottish girl Says:

    That's a good point CJ, I never thought about it that way.

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