Home > Payday


June 3rd, 2011 at 08:20 am

It's payday. I've spent the morning paying bills. Later we're going to Edinburgh Anyway, this is what things look like so far:

£35.78 opening balance
- £2.78 (savings)
= £33.00
+ £781.76 wages = £814.76
- £13.00 (dental plan)
- £25.00 (savings)
- £160.00 ("rent")
- £300.00 (husband)
- £56.00 (catalogue)
- £65.00 (credit card 2)
- £41.00 (credit card 1)
= £154.76 remaining

Total saved = £2.78
Total spent = £660.00

This has all been on bills though, plus I'm due £300 back from hubby so it's not that bad.

4 Responses to “Payday”

  1. TarWalker Says:

    Does the £300 for the hubby go towards paying his mom back?

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Nope, that's his "rent". He's been asking her to tell him exactly what this money includes - he's been paying it for years -but she just dances around the answer. He was asking her tonight, actually. We'll see if she tells him, she's off work for a fortnight so no excuses now.

  3. TarWalker Says:

    It'll be interesting to see if she responds to the question. It seems like she dodges a lot of money issues.

  4. scottish girl Says:

    Jerry - If you're going in August you might see the festival,I know that's in August (I've never actually been to it though)

    TarWalker - Still no response yet.

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