Home > Some spending

Some spending

June 9th, 2011 at 09:52 pm

I had to pay for my filling today. Yesterday I bought some cold relief tablets and lozenges. My mum asked me to buy her a few candles too.

£364.76 previous balance
- £2.40 (cold medicines)
- £4.50 (candles)
- £45.00 (dentist)
= £312.86 remaining

I'm expecting to have to buy some groceries for the weekend at my friend's. Hubby wants to get a takeaway, I'd rather we made our own meals. I know it wasn't in my budget for this month. I spoke to my friend, she said we can help ourselves to food. I'm not comfortable with that, I'd rather we got our own.

My mum gave me the money back for the candles.I'll use it to buy the birthday cards for my aunties.

Due to some unexpected expenses this month, I'll declare this month a success if I'm able to save an extra £50, ideally more would be better. Normally I only save £30 monthly, sometimes I add extra but it's not a lot. If I didnt need to replace my windscreen I'd aim higher. If I claimed the money back from the dentist that would be £45 but that just seems like cheating, what do you think?

2 Responses to “Some spending”

  1. TarWalker Says:

    I think aiming for an extra £50 (so £80 total?) is too low. I think you should (and can) aim higher!

    I would go ahead and claim the dentist back (you'd get it anyways) and use about that amount towards the groceries this weekend. Then all you have to pay for the windshield for £70. There's no other bills on the horizon, right?

    So your remaining minus the windshield with the dentist claim balancing your weekend will still leave you with £240 ish left! I'd say aim to save £180 total this month. That still leaves you a £60 wiggle room for more meds or unexpected expenses.

    You can do it! (and I hope you become healthy real soon!)

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Ok, I'll aim higher!

    I have a few bills coming up: phone (22.31), car insurance (£98.42) and my road tax renewal (90.75) I've saved £85 for my road tax already so I will only be paying £5.75. These aren't due until the 22nd-24th of the month. Total for those bills: £126.48 I need to take £10 out for zumba too, so £136.48

    I'll aim for £100.

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