Not much to report. Spent £2.70 yesterday on snacks meaning that its now the envelope with the lowest remaining balance. For these past few weeks I've been keeping the envelopes in my bag. This morning I put them into a drawer in my bedside table - out of sight, out of mind.
I forgot that I had sponsored a friend from work. He climbed Ben Nevis to raise money for one of his friend's. Hubby has offered to give me the money.
For another week my money for zumba has remained untouched. I think we will go next week but we'll see.
I'm really surprised that I havent had to get petrol yet. It helps that hubby had a few days off so I didnt have to take him to work and pick him up. Also I've been leaving work later to try to avoid the rush hour traffic.
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
June 21st, 2011 at 06:20 pm