Home > Unexpected bill

Unexpected bill

August 9th, 2012 at 12:49 pm

DH's phone bill was about £30 more than he expected. I transferred the difference to him. You know what that means? We're eating out of the food cupboards - or should I say pantry? - for the next two weeks. I will still have to buy a few perishable items like milk since we ran out a few days ago. I had planned to use my Morrisons coupon to get £2 off a £20 shop. I won't be doing that now. I have got a £2 voucher for Tesco though.

I have a few birthdays this month, so this afternoon I am going to buy some very cheap cards and wrap.

1 Responses to “Unexpected bill”

  1. snafu Says:

    I hope DH checked and double checked his phone bill as we're being warned there are various charges being tacked to phone bills that almost fall into the parameters of 'scams.' They are counting on people to just pay without checking the long list of charges.

    Is DH talking or texting more minutes than his contract permits? Is he being charged 'roaming?"

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