Home > Recipe ideas?

Recipe ideas?

December 5th, 2012 at 03:43 pm

This year will be SG's first Christmas, and also our first Christmas in our own place, so we told our families that we are having it here, just the three of us. (We'll visit them in the morning though so they can see SG) Hubby wanted a turkey so I bought the smallest one I could find: 3.6kg. We will be eating leftovers for days.

Does anyone have any recipe ideas? I've looked online and found a few but I'm not sure which one I will use. I've never cooked a turkey before so I'm hoping to find an easy recipe.

2 Responses to “Recipe ideas?”

  1. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    I started in college roasting a turkey in a turkey bag (those clear cellophane type bags at the store) by Reynolds. I never had a bad experience with them! No basting. Perfect moist inside, nice brown outside. They are a few dollars and come in a 2-pack.

    See them at
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  2. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    A turkey is so easy. Google it and rely on a little plastic pop up unit that's less than 2 bucks. You pop it into the breast meat and it pops up when the internal temperature is reached. Easy. I also cover the bird for most of the cooking time and take it off about a half hour before it's done. I'd cook it about 2 hours unstuffed. Add another half hour if you put stuffing in. Cover the stuffing end with foil so the stuffing doesn't get burned. Take the stuffing out as soon as you take it out of the oven and put it in another platter or bowl while the turkey "rests" for about 10 minutes. My over runs very hot so I'd probably cut the cooking time about 15 minutes.

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