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This month

May 3rd, 2013 at 06:18 pm

I will spend as little as possible.

Today is payday and I've already spent £40 that wasn't in the budget for anti-virus. I need to get a birthday present for my 7 year old cousin too. Also, my friend's little girl is turning one and we've been invited to the party. I told her I would go but that will only be if we get transport sorted since we no longer have a car.

I'm going to decide our meals for next week tonight. I'll post my meal plan later. I'm considering trying to make flapjacks or something similar to take to work since I buy a box of cereal bars every week to take to work.

2 Responses to “This month”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Do you mean flapjack like the oaty bar snack? Here in the U.S. it means pancakes, but my British husband introduced me to what he thinks of as flapjack. Smile

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Yes I mean oaty bar snack Smile

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