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May 23rd, 2013 at 01:59 pm

Sent an amail to CC1 company asking for a decrease in interest rate. I said I never miss a payment and I make more than the minimum payment. First time I've done this. Worst case scenario they say no but at least I will know that I've asked.

4 Responses to “Email”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Fingers crossed you get the rate lowered!!

  2. SecretarySaving Says:

    If you don't ask then you'll never know. Good for you in taking that step!

  3. starfishy Says:

    good for you! you might also try calling and speaking to a person. sometimes the personal contact helps to get what you want. good luck! Smile

  4. snafu Says:

    Thanks for explaining CCs, our system is so-o different. Have you checked your Credit Rating from one of the large reporting agencies? They possibly offer this service free once a year. You need to know if they have anything negative incorrectly listed. We each have a credit worthy figure and are rated against it for percentage we are using/active. I suggest in future as cards are paid off - just leave them in the frige freezer, DON'T cancel as that action automatically reduces your credit figure/usage ratio.

    Good job paying off mom's washer and continuing to add extra funds to CC. Another voice encouraging you to call up to the decision making person to get that interest rate down, it's really hard to manage such high interest.

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