Home > Getting Organised

Getting Organised

June 27th, 2013 at 06:51 pm

Tomorrow is payday so I'm currently writing my shopping list while meal planning. I've already decided that I want to use my slow cooker a few times over the next four weeks. Just need to find a few recipes.

I will also start tracking how much we spend on household items over this pay period. I think this will be interesting since I've never done it before.

Lastly, I will start snowflaking again. I already have a few coupons which I am going to use for items which we need.

1 Responses to “Getting Organised”

  1. snafu Says:

    The most important benefit of a slo cooker is that long cooking [braising] tenderizes even the toughest cut of meat or old, stewing hen and you add flavor with whatever spices you like. Tough cuts are typically the cheapest of meats and the root vegetables that go so well hold their shape.

    We find it cost efficient to buy non food items like paper goods, foil, zip bags, cleaners etc. at a deep discount store on my route home because the quality is acceptable even if the packaging is damaged. Office supplies and hardware stuff is ok from the Dollar store but it's easy to over buy unless I stick with a list.

    If you buy none food items at the grocery, I suggest you move those items to the end and have the clerk sub-total the food part and then add in the non food household stuff. You can write the two amounts in your tracking system later. We buy dog food at a raw food supplier.

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