Home > It's all in black and white now

It's all in black and white now

September 25th, 2013 at 07:50 am

I asked hubby to write down all of his outgoings last night. He didn't want me to be there while he was doing it - he said I would stress out - so he waited until I was sleeping. Well, I've woken up this morning to a list in the livingroom. At least I know now how much his bills are. It's obvious that there's too much going out and not enough coming in. We both know that, so it was nice to see that he had written a note at the bottom of what he was planning to cut/reduce.

I copied his list into my daily notebook, compared with my outgoings and noticed he had missed a couple of things. As far as I can see, there's a £60 difference (not including bank charges) He's going to shop around for insurance for his phone and cancel LoveFilm. He pays for Netflix too but isn't willing to give that up because he loves it. I'm going to try to help without stressing. Also, it's pretty clear that I need to step in now and manage his finances.

2 Responses to “It's all in black and white now”

  1. nhgirl1970 Says:

    Every household is different, but I totally manage our finances. My husband admit he hates doing it and is awful at it (Before we were together he had his home phone shut off for a day because he kept forgetting to pay the bill even though he had the money). I give him $40 a week for gas and "fun" and put $40 a month additionally in an envelope for his prescriptions. He hands over his checks and I take care of everything else. Having one person track everything makes it a lot easier to stay within budget.

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    I think it's nice that in addition to writing it all out, he listed some things he would change and cut. It shows that he gave it some thought.

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