I finally got around to making the root vegetable and lentil casserole - which has curry powder in it so looks more like a curry. Either way, there will be leftovers. I searched how to make spiced onions at home, and it looks easy, so I will try that soon to go with the poppadoms that we have in the cupboard. I didn't realise it was only us Scottish that have spiced onions until I was looking for recipes.
Next week I will be making:
- pork and butter bean stew
- cheesy vegetable pasta bake
- butternut squash soup
- lentil spaghetti bolognaise
Capital One sent me a letter telling me they are increasing my credit limit next month, due to how I've been managing my payments, or something like that.
A present for SG arrived today. I used my catalogue rewards so I wasn't out of pocket - it was on sale at £3.
We've been saving all year for Christmas. We got our high street vouchers a few weeks ago yet we haven't been shopping yet. This is unusual, we normally go as soon as we get them. For the record, we have £200 plus I've got £40 on a gift card that I started a few months ago.
Meal planning etc
October 26th, 2013 at 07:07 pm
October 26th, 2013 at 08:08 pm 1382814525
October 26th, 2013 at 09:19 pm 1382818781
What is your plan for Christmas? Do you send out traditional Christmas cards or do you prefer the free, email cards that are becoming so popular in N America? Will you host Christmas dinner or be a guest at relative's dinner? How many gifts do you plan to buy? This is such a critical time of year for those of us on a budget. It is so easy to over spend as emotions can trip us up. There are so many small purchases and needs that added together become a significant expenditure.
You've done so well sticking with your plan I'm confident you can get through the holidays without causing back slipping. Good on you for having savings for the holidays.