Went to the doctor's this morning. He gave me another four week sick line. I'm hoping my bladder problem will be more manageable within that time and I will be back to work then.
Spoke to hubby about how we have to "claw our way back" financially. I've been reading Martin Lewis's forums and I get his weekly emails. Anyway, there's a store cupboard challenge that I would like us to do soon and then put the extra money towards credit cards. Hubby's card was over the limit due to charges (gutting after I thought I sorted it last year) so any extra he can put will be good.
I was thinking last night that I really should have my savings balance on my sidebar. Everyone else does. On that note, actually, LR has been motivating me to save more... I was reading her old entries and thinking "look how quickly her savings increased, if she can do it, so can I!" So thanks for the motivation LR!!
This and That
February 14th, 2014 at 01:33 pm
February 14th, 2014 at 02:39 pm 1392388748
February 14th, 2014 at 04:20 pm 1392394809
I sure hope your health problems will smooth over so that you can have a more carefree pregnancy.
February 14th, 2014 at 04:43 pm 1392396199
PS:I echo JotA's wishes that your health issues get sorted!
February 14th, 2014 at 05:04 pm 1392397493
February 14th, 2014 at 07:59 pm 1392407989
@JoTA: They are long, I'm browsing the store cupboard challenge just now.. there's over 200 pages!
@BF: Re hubby's credit card, I hope we can get him back in black soon.
@snafu: We're not entitled to help with food, I don't have a car and we're not entitled to free bus travel or anything like that. The only people that would be entitled to these are those that aren't working and are claiming jobseekers allowance and income support I think, also disabled people too I think. He hasn't used his credit card which I guess makes it worse? He missed a payment and must have been close to his limit, then obviously he got hit with late payment charges and interest and that took him over.
I know he could try and get OT at work, not sure if he could though as I've been hearing that things are not looking good at work (reducing people's hours etc). We really don't know a lot of people in our neighbourhood. The ones that we do know are older and don't have kids.