Baby #2 due in five weeks. I have an appointment to see the midwife today. Next week I've got three appointments at the hospital, although two of them are scans.
I borrowed thirty pounds from my mum. Payday is over a week away and I had less than five pounds in my account. I'm consoling myself with the fact that it was only thirty pounds, and not more.
I finished up at work yesterday. I'm taking holidays first then starting my maternity leave.
I found out that we have been overpaying our rent. It's my fault because I didn't understand the benefit letter that we got so I just kept paying the same amount. I really should have phoned them then but I didn't. The woman I spoke to said we could have a refund, or the council will just take our rent balance each month off the amount. I agreed to the latter then thought should I have re-considered? I will need to phone them soon anyway when my maternity pay starts because my circumstances have changed.
I want to start doing two things now that I've finished up at work: decluttering and freezing meals for when baby is here. Although I want to get a lot done I'm going to take things slowly. I can see myself writing lists, with small tasks to complete each day. I know for sure that I don't want to spend all day sorting out clutter because I can't manage to do that, so maybe a set amount of time each day? We'll see.
An Update
May 22nd, 2014 at 06:30 am
May 22nd, 2014 at 12:12 pm 1400760722
I would definitely recommend picking a set amount of time to work on decluttering. Thirty minutes for an area is usually sufficient and you can get a lot done. A little each day and you will accomplish quite a bit. Good luck!!
May 22nd, 2014 at 03:11 pm 1400771511
May 22nd, 2014 at 04:50 pm 1400777439
May 23rd, 2014 at 12:47 am 1400806029
I suggest assembling your make-in-advance meals for freezing as part of dinner preparation. If you can make two of the same meal it's less mess and less stress. Check in and tell us what got done so we can cheer every small step forward.