Home > Payday Post

Payday Post

August 22nd, 2014 at 01:35 pm

Today was payday. Paid extra to CC1. I also paid cc2, my catalogue and Xmas savings. Only one payment left to go as far as xmas savings are concerned.

Had a rough night last night with baby J. I only manged to get a couple of hours sleep. When I finally got him settled this morning, SG woke up. I'm meeting my friend for her birthday dinner tonight but I'd rather sleep. I'm still in my pyjamas and I'm meeting her in five hours. This will be my first time going out since J was born, even longer than that actually with this friend, it's been a few years (she's childless)

I done my Tesco online shop using my coupon. £47 worth of food for £26.

1 Responses to “Payday Post”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you can enjoy your time with your friend although you are tired.

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