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Just Thinking

October 4th, 2014 at 09:54 pm

The PIN for my new credit card arrived the other day. I didn't even bother to read it, I just put it in one of my files. I haven't got the new card yet but when it arrives I want to have a plan about what I'm doing. (The last time I transferred debt to a 0% card I didn't have a plan, see CC2's balance) It's either 33 or 34 months interest free. I don't want to just pay the minimum, although maybe I should so I can focus on the extortionate balance that is Bank of Scotland aka CC2. I do plan on paying extra to CC2 now that CC1 is 0%. Obviously, I know I'm going to have a tight month this month.

I checked Capital One's statement and the interest hasn't been added yet so I will need to pay that from my October pay, which is two weeks away yet.

Even though I now have this huge balance "available to spend" I guess I just want to remind myself that it isn't there for spending. In fact, I haven't activated the card
This post is really just to tell myself that I can't celebrate when the new statement comes through because I've still got the debt. It's just on a different card.

And when this new card arrives it will go somewhere safe (my folder) I'll set up my details so I can view the balance online. I'll make a payment. I WON'T USE IT!!

Ok. That's all.

1 Responses to “Just Thinking”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I understand why you posted are holding yourself accountable by making it public. Great idea!

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