Home > Emergency Fund Update

Emergency Fund Update

April 12th, 2015 at 08:01 am

138.10 Beginning Balance
+_2.00 Weekly deposit


140.10 New Balance

I'm not as sure that I actually will reach my goal now that I have been doing surveys less, and not doing swagbucks. I do have enough swagbucks right now to redeem 5GBP Paypal so I'll need to do that. I know I can look for snowflakes elsewhere though.

5 Responses to “Emergency Fund Update”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Good luck with finding extra snowflakes Smile

  2. Amber Says:

    I'm sure you will reach your goal, so long as you stay focused. 😃

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Don't give up...maybe find some other way to bring in extra cash.

  4. DecisiveParadox Says:

    holy $#!+.
    That's the highest I have seen your EF go. I hope you coast along with zero reasons to use it.

  5. scottish girl Says:

    Thanks DP!

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