Dh declared that he wants us to go to England in September for his birthday. He wants his Grandpa to meet the kids. He sent me a link to check out hotels in the area. I don't see us being able to afford it, so I'm hoping we can compromise with days out when we're on holiday. But I will look into train fares and hotels.
I got J's birthday present from the catalogue. I used my rewards so I added zero on to my bill.
Both days after work this week I bought a few things I didn't really need. One of them was a sandwich and a bottle of juice because I was hungry and thirsty.
I still need to pay the deposit for J's cake smash next month. That's 40.00.
This & That
May 7th, 2015 at 08:38 am
May 7th, 2015 at 08:56 am 1430985378
May 7th, 2015 at 01:55 pm 1431003342
The hard truth is that you guys are DEEP in debt and a trip is a luxury you can't afford.
May 20th, 2015 at 02:59 pm 1432130370