Home > It's Sunday

It's Sunday

May 15th, 2016 at 07:58 am

I'm in the middle of making a meal plan and writing a shopping list. It's a weekly habit. I need to transfer money to hubby's account until I get my replacement card. Unfortunately, my bank is updating its systems right now so I can't do it yet.

I've enjoyed this pay period, actually having some money spare. But I don't want to get laxadasical. I want to get out of debt. I need to replace money I've used from savings this year. Lucky Robin's post reminded me that I need to have a moving fund if we do end up moving. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed buying things that we needed. In fact, I still need to get armbands for the kids so we can go swimming - once j is better, that is. And hubby wants his friends to meet J soon so that will involve some spending no doubt.

Things are feeling pretty good right now. Life at home is good, I'm not stressing as much although we have a lot of decluttering to do if we are moving. I have a really great friend. All I need to do is come up with a plan to be debt free in ideally three years. Then this means we can travel more and do things.

Now, what will I blog about when I'm finally debt free? That is the million dollar question.

4 Responses to “It's Sunday ”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm sure you'll find something to blog about. Smile

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Don't worry about finding ideas to blog about, that's for sure. Keep on the saving track so you can blog about being debt free.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Savings is the opposite of debt payoff (or spending) so you can blog about that!

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Sounds like things are really looking up!

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