I was feeling upbeat until I checked my credit card statement this morning: I got a late payment fee! I can't believe I let this happen! Apparently it only takes that to ruin my mood. I'm getting over it now.
I paid both of hubby's catalogues yesterday. Minimum payments are about 160.xx now in total. I also paid 30 to one of hubby's buy now pay later items. I'll be so happy the day that I can stop using that phrase.
I took SG shopping for a princess outfit for the birthday party that's coming up. While there I also bought her a few other things. Next on the list is a little present for the birthday girl. I'm thinking crafts,something small.
I've increased my weekly savings deposits. I owe money to my emergency fund so this will help to pay it back.
I tried to add money to my Christmas savings card but the till wouldn't accept the transaction; if this happens again I'll just put the cash aside.
May 29th, 2016 at 09:48 am
May 29th, 2016 at 09:42 pm 1464554526
May 30th, 2016 at 01:20 am 1464567645
May 30th, 2016 at 08:48 am 1464594517
May 30th, 2016 at 08:49 am 1464594562
May 30th, 2016 at 02:49 pm 1464616164