I spent two days in hospital with SG because she had breathing problems. It was unplanned, of course. I spent a lot of money on junk food and sandwiches for me, since SG was having hospital food. I must've spent about 20 on food, although I didn't really keep track. Hubby got a takeaway so that was another 21. I also got a taxi home for us - we had so much stuff and I was shattered. All in all, it must have been about 50 in total.
She is doing better now. The doctor gave us medicines and an inhaler for the next few days.
In other news, I just paid off one catalogue today. That was 75.02. The other one is now 330.
Today is payday. Next pay I will be short because of phoning in sick for those two days, but we will manage.
In other news, I've been thinking about budgeting for other expenses such as school stuff. Each pay I send fifty pounds to my EF. From now on, I'll allocate twenty to these miscellaneous items that could potentially break the budget. I'll have to write it down though, otherwise I'll lose track of it. Yep, it only takes a small leak to sink a ship so I want to make sure that that doesn't happen.
Hospital etc
May 26th, 2017 at 07:26 am
May 26th, 2017 at 12:11 pm 1495800694
May 26th, 2017 at 01:36 pm 1495805778
May 26th, 2017 at 02:37 pm 1495809437
Congratulations paying off that catalogue!! I'm so excited and proud of you.
May 26th, 2017 at 08:27 pm 1495830420
May 27th, 2017 at 09:07 pm 1495919252
May 28th, 2017 at 03:20 pm 1495984845
WTG paying off the one catalougue!
May 28th, 2017 at 05:51 pm 1495993875