Home > Observations


January 6th, 2018 at 05:54 pm

#1: It's less stressful carrying cash. No need to check my bank balance today

#2: I was asked if I wanted to contribute to someone's retirement gift. I used to work with her. Everyone that currently works with her is giving 10; I'll give 5 (from next week's money, not this week's)

#3: It helps to look around (I found those black beans in one of my normal supermarkets in the world foods aisle)

#4: I spent 179.xx last pay period on groceries. The aim is less, ideally 140 (or less)

#5: I might not end up saving as much cash on my Uber Frugal Month this time round, but my attitude has changed.

1 Responses to “Observations”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good observations! And I agree with #3 -- it does pay to look around! Sometimes you find a treasure when you least expect it.

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