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May 28th, 2015 at 05:26 pm
I can't even find her blog. But I might have missed it.
Posted in
May 28th, 2015 at 03:09 pm
I think I am a little obsessed with my debt. Tomorrow is payday, the money from Bank of Scotland will transfer soon. My pay will be less than last month's but I'm not sure how much thanks to less hours.
This is how debt minimum payments are looking right now:
Catalogue: 156.xx (39%)
BoS: 73.xx (24.5%)
Tesco: 25 (0%)
Obviously,pay extra to Littlewoods, and BoS too? Minimum to Tesco since it's 0%?
So, my plan should just be extra to Littlewoods? As much as possible, right? Silly question, I know.
Posted in
May 28th, 2015 at 11:48 am
I posted this question a while ago when my bank offered me a credit card. They're offering me one again, with the option of:
- 2k credit limit
- 0% for 15 months with a fee of 0.55% (min £5) for the first three months of account opening, after which the fee will revert to 2.4%
0% for 26 months with a 2.4% fee
Now, I'm debating because of the balance transfer option, especially the 26 months one. I could transfer more of Bank of Scotland, which will be at 3k soon thanks to my balance transfer (fingers crossed I've done it properly). But then I would have three cards and I decided the last time that three's too many.
If I did it I think I would really have to focus to get it paid off within the interest-free period.
Posted in
May 27th, 2015 at 03:46 pm
I've been thinking about transferring more to my 0% card for a while now. Well, I just did it: 1000 from BoS has been transferred to Tesco. It's 0% until June 2017. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. There is a fee of 2.99% roughly for doing the transfer.
Posted in
May 21st, 2015 at 09:15 am
I wish I could tell my younger self not to sign up for the Littlewoods catalogue. Just because your mum used catalogues when you were growing up, doesn't mean you have to.
While there, I'd make sure to set up some automatic deposits to start my Emergency Fund.
I looked into transferring some of Littlewoods balance to my Tesco credit card. I can only transfer a credit card balance in my name. Now I'm considering whether to transfer some of Bank of Scotland's balance to it? (1000 would be the limit since I have 1200 remaining credit on Tesco)
I told my mum she has 200 in savings. She was pleased to say the least.
We almost had an emergency the other day. I went into the kitchen and noticed water everywhere. Dh figured out that the pipe from the washing machine had been leaking. It's fixed now. It made me realise that my savings don't cut it if an actual emergency were to happen. (Of course, I remember when I had 7.60 in my EF, so I've at least moved on from then)
Posted in
May 15th, 2015 at 09:07 am
I signed in to Swagbucks this morning and attempted a few surveys. No luck, but at least I tried.
I done the survey from Opinion Outpost that they sent to me in an email.
I checked my bank balance to confirm that I no longer have Love Film. That's it officially cancelled now. It only saves me 7.99/month a though.
Other than that, I will make sure that I meal plan consistently and limit impulse buys.
I've been thinking about what to do about my catalogue. I can't do a balance transfer because it doesn't seem to be an option for my Tesco credit card and I wouldn't transfer it to Capital One because their interest rates are the same as the catalogue (it was my first ever card). I am thinking about whether to use the credit card to pay off my Buy Now Pay Later items, which are the bed and clothes, 983 GBP I think, or use it to make a huge payment to the catalogue. Tesco credit card is 24% interest. Of course, I'd need to find the card first - I think it's in my folder in our room. Good idea? Bad idea?
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May 14th, 2015 at 07:25 am
My manager wanted me to see her in the office on Tuesday. She wanted to discuss my contract. I thought she would try to get me to work more, but it went the opposite way: my contract is being reduced by five hours. She says the department doesn't have enough hours for me to work 24.5.
I'm hoping we will still be ok and it won't slow down debt repayment and my goals.
Posted in
May 8th, 2015 at 10:39 am
This morning I signed on to my catalogue to check the balance. It hasn't updated yet. This is unusual for me, normally I would only check what my new minimum payment is. I really am determined to get rid of it.
I think someone asked if I could transfer the balance. I don't think I can, it's not a credit card so I don't know how that would work. (Although Littlewoods keep emailing me because I have the option of a credit card too, plus my catalogue. No thanks)
I paid the deposit for the cake smash/photo shoot this morning. That was 40.00.
I spoke to Dh and told him the prices of the hotels and train fares that I'd seen. It was 150+ each for train fares (kids travel free) plus the hotel was over 100, plus spending money, so it's not likely to happen. I did say we could check again nearer the time because I couldn't find prices for train fares for September, it's too far away.
I need to total up my discount card savings this week and divide the snowflakes between the catalogue and EF.
Posted in
April 26th, 2015 at 08:40 am
It's worse than I thought. When I ordered the bed I also ordered SG some clothes. That will get added on in Dec at 14.85 /wk. (1544.40 total )
The cot and mattress were 186 and that's due by 29/4/16 so I could get that paid off. If I don't it's 3.49 per week or 362.96 total.
4517.18 including Bnpl
- 1907.36 Bnpl total
= 2609.82
Posted in
April 24th, 2015 at 09:12 am
I was tidying up this morning when I noticed that dh had opened his bank statement and left it lying out. I had a look at it and nearly fell over when I realised he's paying almost four hundred pounds each month to his two catalogues, in total. I freaked out when I knew he was paying three hundred, so this is probably why he never mentioned it. That money would be better off in our pocket than in theirs! It's bad enough I'm paying off a catalogue too. I hate debt.
Dh mentioned the tv yesterday, I told him we're saving up for it. After this, we are definetly doing that.
Posted in
April 5th, 2015 at 07:57 am
My first day back at work didn't start well. First of all, my alarm chose to act up that day and it didn't go off. Luckily for me my real-life alarm aka J, stirred at 5.30am and woke me up. It was then a quick rush to get ready then leave.
I had to go to the ATM before work to take some money out to get change for my breakfast. When I got there, both of them were out of order. I went into the store and bought a sandwich filler to use for lunch (I brought bread). I got cashback from my purchase. I still needed change though, so I had to ask them to give me change at customer service.
I finally headed to the colleague entrance only to find that my card wouldn't let me in. When it came to swiping in, my card wasn't recognised. It wasn't until two hours later that I spoke to someone and got a new card. I then had to tell my manager who assured me that my pay would be ok.
I didn't get home until 5pm because I had to pick up some shopping. Dh isn't thrilled that I'm out most of Saturday and he's working on a Sunday. It's going to be difficult to plan things together as a family. We're both off tomorrow but my mum's coming to visit. I'm sure I will work something out soon.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2015 at 08:51 am
I phoned work this morning and I finally got through to the manager I wanted to talk to. She said she had tried to phone me, but couldn't get through. That sounds like she only tried once...
I go back to work tomorrow. My new contract is 24.5hrs over three days, which is an hour less than my old contract. I also start earlier, with one 7am start and two 6am starts. This means that I will be home earlier though, so that's good, it will just take a while for my body clock to adjust.
We got a takeaway last night - my idea. I've got dinners made for the kids made in advance that are in the freezer. I need to make up a packed lunch for tomorrow.
I haven't done a full working week since December 2013, before my first surgery. It's going to be a shock. Plus I need to learn what to do in the new department.
Posted in
March 30th, 2015 at 06:13 pm
So work didn't phone. I gave up and phoned them. Still no help. I've to go to a meeting tomorrow "to discuss flexibility" I thought we'd done that? But what do I know?
Posted in
March 29th, 2015 at 04:34 pm
I phoned my employer yesterday and had no luck. Dh spoke to his manager today - who might end up being my manager too. This afternoon, I phoned and spoke to her. The people manager is now on bereavement leave and there's someone acting on her behalf. Tomorrow they will all be in meetings so she said someone will phone me then.
In other news I've spent the afternoon baking brownies and biscuits. I just need to come up with an easy meal plan for this week.
Posted in
March 27th, 2015 at 07:39 am
I mentioned yesterday that I redeemed 25GBP paypal from Swagbucks. The plan was to send it 70/30 to debt payoff and EF. However, I checked my bank balance this morning and I'm about 12.00 short for a direct debit. I now think I'll have to keep it in my bank account, which is unfortunate. A few questions:
- Do I count it as a snowflake and include it in my total (but acknowledge that it didn't go to either debt or savings?)
-Should I try to replace this money to put towards debt and savings?
-Should I just keep 15 in my bank and send 10 to debt/EF?
Part of me is gutted and the other part is pleased the money is there.
Posted in
March 26th, 2015 at 02:25 pm
I'm updating today purely to keep myself focused. Most of yesterday was spent worry about "what if?" so I want to try and get back on track.
The first thing I did to get back on track was to redeem a 25GBP paypal reward from Swagbucks. I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I would be doing this, I think it's my mood right now though. I keep wondering if this is the calm before the storm and whether all of my hard work this year is just going to go down the drain soon.
Dh came home from work and told me that people have been talking about me and what department I will be going to. Somehow it is common knowledge to everyone except me. Still no letter yet.
I really don't want all this hard work to go out the window. I'm enjoying paying down debt and starting an EF.
Posted in
March 25th, 2015 at 02:42 pm
I just spoke to my employer. They were no help about my return to work. My manager said she had spoken to the people manager about my return on Sunday. Apparently a letter is on its way to me with a date arranged for a meeting. It's cutting it close, I'm due back next week.
While on the phone, I mentioned again about wanting to change my contract. I was told that I have to honour my old/current contract until that's sorted. The entire reason I am changing my days is due to childcare. Me and DH are going to work opposite days from each other so that someone is always home with the kids. If I can't get this sorted, I might need to leave. Dh said he would pick up hours. I wasn't prepared for this. I haven't job hunted in years.
ETA: Dh and I are both contracted a Sunday. The plan after J was born was that one of us would change. He's tried.
Posted in
March 20th, 2015 at 06:40 pm
Thanks for all of your advice on my last post. I decided against applying for the new credit card. When I next signed on to my bank the offer was gone, so I took that as a sign. I'm happy enough with my current cards, well as happy as you can be owing money to The Evil Empire (I think LR used this phrase a lot, it's more than appropriate). I seem to be doing ok paying them off, bit by bit, so I'll just keep at it.
I redeemed 3GBP my survey rewards today. That will reach paypal in 8-10 working days.
I go back to work in less than two weeks. Dh and I will be working opposite days. Nothing has been confirmed about my return, I don't know where I'll be working. Hopefully they will get in touch soon. I did hear that the people manager's mum has cancer so she's had a lot of time off. Still, my current/former manager could let me know.
I updated my sidebar today with my new balances. 4878.57 total credit card debt.
Posted in
March 18th, 2015 at 08:39 pm
I signed on to check my bank balance this evening and an offer of a 0 percent credit card appeared. I think it was for 15 months. If I apply I would transfer some of cc#2. My only issue is that I'm not sure I could juggle three cards. As it stands right now I technically have three:
1. Capital one - transferred balance to a zero percent card in sept
2. Bank of Scotland - 4k balance
3. Tesco - zero percent
Could i handle another?
Posted in
March 12th, 2015 at 07:35 pm
Dh set up the wii fit tonight so i could check my weight (We havent got scales ) I was last on it 294 days ago when i was pregnant and I've lost 12lb since then. I knew i had lost i just didn't think it was that bad. My current weight means I'm really underweight. I'm going to make more of an effort to get up before kids and have breakfast, and make sure I have lunch too.
Posted in
March 5th, 2015 at 06:06 pm
So dh still owes 190 to his mum. If he doesn't get it paid off of her credit card this month, interest will be charged. I looked at the budget and by paying minimum to my credit card and minimal spending elsewhere we can make the payment. I am crazy for paying less to my debt, I know.
ETA: Dh wanted to put it on his credit card.
Posted in
February 27th, 2015 at 08:08 am
I got a bonus from work today: 81.37. I wasn't expecting one and it's the smallest amount I've ever gotten. As much as I REALLY want to put it towards debt, I desperately need to buy a new mattress for SG's bed. If I wasn't putting any extra towards debt I would feel bad but I am putting extra and I'm using snowflakes too.
Speaking of snowflakes, I have enough SBs to claim 10GBP Paypal cash. However, I'm wondering whether to keep on going and aim for 25GBP PP reward. It'll probably take me most of March if I do. I need over 2000 more swagbucks and I seem to be averaging over 100 just now.
Posted in
February 22nd, 2015 at 05:50 pm
Creditcardfree's post the other day about retirement got me thinking.
I've been contributing 2% of my pay towards a pension since I was 20. I wouldn't have considered it normally at the time, but my manager, who was about five years older, told me he was contributing so I should do it. When I signed up, I told dh who followed a few months later. My employer matches my contribution.
In the last year or so I see that it's now compulsory - I might be wrong - to join your workplace pension. I'm sure the HMRC had a lot of adverts out about it.
I'm by no means expecting a great pension considering my little savings. I don't know what age I will retire. I know one way to increase your pension is to use your ISA savings where you are allowed to save 15k per tax year (Apr-Apr). I am a long way off from this. I need to get rid of debt first and get myself sorted out.
I just wanted to put this out there because I was thinking about it.
Posted in
February 20th, 2015 at 09:04 am
CC#2 updated today. Unfortunately, I didn't have any snowflakes to throw at it. I've updated my sidebar to reflect my new balances.
cc#1: 770.09
cc#2: 4156.56
Total: 4926.65
It's under 5k now but still a lot to go. Dh sent me a Debt Free link on FB the other day. I think I'm doing okay without outside help (other than SA I mean). I clicked on it but that was it.
Posted in
February 18th, 2015 at 03:38 pm
I haven't planned our meals properly in a while. I thought I'd better make more of an effort. This is what we will be having over the next few days:
- steak burgers, wedges and veg
- chicken stir fry
- fish pie with veg/fish cakes for everyone
- macaroni
- leftovers
One of my friends, whose baby is one month younger than J, got in touch with me yesterday to say that she had been in touch with work - we work in the same place - about returning after her maternity leave. Although her baby is younger, I had more holidays to take due to being on sick leave and not using them so I'm due back a few weeks after her. Dh needs to find out if he can change days then I'll get in touch. I also need to fill out my holiday (vacation) forms for the year. I know a lot of people will have done that months ago.
I need to get in the right mind frame for returning to work. I really don't have any interest in how they're doing, if the sales are good etc. I need to sort my attitude. I've been away too long (Dec 2013 was when I first went off sick and I haven't done a full proper week since then)
Posted in
February 16th, 2015 at 08:50 pm
I took 16.80 out of savings and sent it to cc#2. This money wasn't meant to be there in the first place, it's all snowflakes meant for credit card two, so I don't feel bad taking it out. This is unusual for me. Usually when I withdraw money from savings I'm unhappy but I know this money didn't belong there. My bank is still having problems, so I paid it through dh's bank.
Posted in
February 14th, 2015 at 07:11 pm
I was so excited yesterday that I had another snowflake that I updated here. I then forgot to transfer to savings. I just checked now and realised that they didn't match. Oops. It's sorted now though.
Posted in
February 10th, 2015 at 02:24 pm
My bank is still having technical problems. I've messaged them to complain because I still haven't made a payment to CC#2. I will look out a paper statement and phone them to hopefully make a payment. It's getting close to the due date so I need to get this sorted.
I've had a lazy day today, well I've done minimal tasks. My mum came over this morning to have a birthday lunch with us. She also gave me money to get a takeaway tonight even though I told her we'd got one the other day. My mum also wants to pay for me to get my haircut so I told her I would arrange it for next week. She got me the presents that I asked for, plus a box of chocolates and a top.
I forgot that SBs give you 50 SBs on your birthday. That was a nice surprise. I'm about 300 + away from being able to redeem another 5GBP Paypal. Of course, I'm hoping my bank has sorted out its problems by then.
Posted in
February 8th, 2015 at 08:18 pm
Ive had a lazy day today. We never went anywhere. It would have been a no spend day if i hadnt ordered a takeaway. I decided it would be better to get it today before i go shopping when there's plenty of space in the fridge for leftovers, which there is.
I redeemed one hundred points from opinion outpost today. That's 5GBP. My bank is still having technical problems so i havent requested a transfer from PP to my bank account.
Posted in
February 5th, 2015 at 07:13 am
Swagbucks emailed me to let me know that my PP cash had been deposited. I just need to request a transfer to my bank account. It only took two days!
Remember that I ordered SG's present from Amazon? It never showed up. It was due to be here on 2/2. Yesterday I got in touch with the supplier. They can't send me a replacement item because it's out of stock. So now we need to go shopping for a dolls house. DH wants us to find a really good deal though after this one fell through: it was only 3.49 and included 18 pieces of furniture. They've refunded me.
I also still haven't got the wardrobe that I ordered. I've messaged Wowcher but haven't had a reply yet. I would say that I'm not having a good week but that PP cash is a sign of a good week to me 
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