February 3rd, 2015 at 01:51 pm
One of the things on my Swagbucks wish list is a 5GBP Paypal reward. Today they emailed to say that I had enough SBs to redeem it. I thought, ok I'll give it a try. It worked! I'm so pleased. I'd completely given up on it.
I'm waiting on My Survey rewards crediting Paypal too. It should be soon. I had enough points to redeem 6GBP paypal rewards so I did that. It'll be ten working days for that.
I spoke to DH about giving me some child-free time as a birthday present. I suggested taking them to the local library and cafe to let me have some time to relax.He's agreed.
It's our anniversary today. Twelve years together. We never got each other cards or gifts. I've got chilli con carne in the slow cooker for dinner. Dh bought something yesterday as a surprise for today. I'm pretty sure it's something for desert.
Posted in
February 1st, 2015 at 12:07 pm
I typed in the title of my blog post, and it's of no surprise that it came up as I typed, so I've used it before. Apart from April when I'm back to work, February is my least favourite month, at least for this year. I turn thirty and I'm not looking forward to it. If I could skip it, I would.
DH is not on board with not getting me a present and not acknowledging this birthday. In fact, it ended up in an argument last night. I'm to blame for it. I said I didn't want a cheesecake like we spoke about because it costs too much. Then I decided I didn't want anything and I told him not to bother. We eventually agreed just to get a couple of slices each instead of buying a whole cheesecake. Yes, we argued over a cheesecake. But the real issue is money. I don't want to throw it away.
Posted in
January 31st, 2015 at 02:52 pm
68.05 Beginning Balance
+2.00 Weekly deposit
70.05 New Balance
279.95 to go to reach my goal of 350 by December 2015.
Posted in
January 29th, 2015 at 09:13 am
With only two days left of the month, I don't foresee any more snowflakes. So I thought I would update with my total for this month.
All of my snowflakes for this month came from survey rewards. This is what this month looked like:
5.00 Amazon Gift Card
2.50 Opinion Outpost Paypal reward
5.00 Mumsnet survey
2.50 Opinion Outpost PP reward
3.49 Amazon GC
18.49 Total Snowflakes
If I can keep this up every month I will exceed my goal of 150.
Posted in
January 28th, 2015 at 02:47 pm
It doesn't look like there will be any snowflakes, of the money kind, heading my way this week. There's plenty of the frozen kind.
I dropped off two bags of donations this morning. They were all baby and kids stuff. The place that takes them has recently relocated to a bigger premise, I had a good look around but I never bought anything. I've made it a rule that I can't buy anything when I'm dropping off donations.
I'm still waiting on my 3GBP PP credit from My Survey.
I'm close to redeeming a 5GBP AGC from Swagbucks.
I went to Aldi after dropping off the donations today. I spent 18.xx. It started to snow while I was out so I was in a hurry to get back.
I'm still waiting on the double wardrobe arriving that I ordered about two weeks ago.
I think that's all. I'm just waiting. Waiting for snowflakes and a delivery.
Posted in
January 26th, 2015 at 03:00 pm
Minimal spending here today.
I went to the Post Office to post two parcels: 5.60 I thought they would cost more than that because they were quite big but they were under 2kg each (1.3kg and 1.5kg)
I also bought two packets of biscuits and a cereal variety pack. 3.19
That's all really.
Posted in
January 24th, 2015 at 06:59 am
65.00 Beginning balance
+1.05 Amazon GC
+2.00 Weekly deposit
68.05 New balance
281.95 to go.
Posted in
January 23rd, 2015 at 08:03 pm
I don't know if anyone remembers that me and DH were considering getting SG a dolls house before Christmas. Then we came to our senses and decided to wait until her birthday in March. I've been checking online occasionally, but never seeing anything. The plan was we were all going to make a day of it and go shopping. Well, I found one on Amazon tonight for 3.49. It was the last one. I quickly told DH who told me to go for it, even though he hadn't seen it. Well I ordered it. And I had a gift card. And it was free delivery.
2.44 sent to cc#2, 1.05 to EF
I really hope we're happy with it. It comes with accessories, I'll need to see what else we have to buy.
Posted in
January 23rd, 2015 at 04:45 pm
I've joined a few more survey sites. One of them makes me wait until 20GBP before I can redeem it. I'm at 3.xx so I might lose interest in that one.
I redeemed 3GBP PP from My Survey. It was the lowest Paypal amount. It takes 5-10 days.
I feel like all I do is surveys. But the rewards are worth it though.
J is seven months now - well, on the 19th he was. SG is almost three. Time just flies in.
I had to change my meal plan because it's Burns Night on Sunday and DH wants haggis. He picked some up. I'll have something different.
Posted in
January 21st, 2015 at 12:35 pm
It's only been a few days since my last post but I thought I'd better check in.
We're slowly getting better here. Two nights in a row, SG slept in our bed. Last night was her first night back in her bed and she slept all the way through - from 7.30pm-10am. J was up a few times but seems to be getting better.
It's been snowing here. Yesterday I went to Aldi to get chicken, fruit and veg. Spent 18.xx. It was -3 when I went out. I spent ages waiting on the bus so I actually regretted leaving in the first place.
My credit card statement updated yesterday. I updated my sidebar but I was too tired to write a post here. I've decreased the balance by 70.20 since my December statement. This is way better than last year already (although I really shouldn't compare, this time last year I was in a sorry state)
My mum phoned me yesterday, pleased that the money that she receives was increasing. I transferred 10 to her savings, although I wanted to do more. I suspect she would freak out if I done more, I just worry that she's in her fifties and has barely any savings (less than me).
I received two emails from Opinion Outpost today but I din't qualify for the surveys. Hopefully I'll qualify before the month ends.
Posted in
January 19th, 2015 at 09:28 am
Three out of four of us here are ill, although J is nearly over his I think. DH had a lucky escape, so far, and is the only one who is well. He was up until the early hours this morning with SG.
I've checked my credit card statement online two days in a row. I'm waiting for it to update. I want to see what I'm starting the year off at. The statement says: next statement 19/1, which is today. I suppose they have to process it. I noticed that my last snowflake isn't on that statement so it might have overlapped with the statement update. Whenever I pay extra I do it through my online banking so I'm not always looking at the balance. I think it's quicker too.
SG has fallen asleep beside me here. I've been doing minimal tasks this morning since I'm the only one that's awake right now. One of us was meant to go to Aldi today, but I can't see that happening. Maybe tomorrow. It's just to get a few things but it can wait.
I'm going to catch up on the blogs before someone wakes up.
Posted in
January 18th, 2015 at 08:06 am
64.25 Beginning Balance
+0.75 PP survey reward
65.00 New Balance
A nice round number. 285.00 to go to reach my goal of 350 by December 2015.
Posted in
January 18th, 2015 at 08:04 am
Both kids decided that it was time to wake up at 5, despite a late night.
By 7am I had claimed a PP survey reward from Opinion Outpost. 2.50 again. I paid 1.75 to cc#2 and 75p to the emergency fund. I noticed that it's been ten days since I first claimed. Hopefully in another ten days I'll have enough points to redeem again.
I'm quite enjoying finding snowflakes. I've got no idea how much I'll find for the year, but it's fun anyway.
Posted in
January 17th, 2015 at 09:02 am
62.25 Beginning Balance
+2.00 Weekly deposit
64.25 New balance
285.75 to go.
Posted in
January 15th, 2015 at 02:12 pm
I've got a sleeping baby on me so I thought I would update.
My mum doesn't want me to pay her Christmas savings. She thinks with all my debt I can't afford it. She asked me to transfer ten to my account to replace what I had paid.
This money will help to offset the cost of the double wardrobe I ordered. 18.99
I've redeemed a 10GBP Amazon Gift Card. Still having problems redeeming PP so Amazon is my best bet from now on. I'll get my PP rewards elsewhere.
Posted in
January 14th, 2015 at 11:17 am
It's been nine years since I started this blog. Back when I was only twenty years old and naive enough to think that I could save up two thousand pounds. Other than the wedding, it hasn't happened yet.
You would think after nine years - with a little gap in between - that I would have a pretty hefty emergency fund. Oh well, I'm working on it.
Yesterday a 5GBP survey reward was credited to my account. I split it up 70/30 to cc#2 and EF.
Posted in
January 13th, 2015 at 07:19 am
60.75 Beginning Balance
+1.50 Mum survey reward
62.25 Ending Balance
287.75 to go to meet my goal of 350.
Posted in
January 11th, 2015 at 09:17 am
My last two posts have been short and sweet; and only about numbers. This one will be the opposite.
I'm still in the process of organising and decluttering. I'm getting there very slowly but it is a constant process. I've still got a ton of paperwork to shred but I'm feeling optimistic about that. One of the areas that desperately needed attention was SG's room, I started to deal with that yesterday. It's the one area that I've been avoiding because it was too overwhelming to deal with. Well, as of yesterday, it is slowly looking better. One thing was perfectly clear yesterday: we have a lot of stuff.
Speaking of stuff, it's been confirmed that MIL is actually having a clearout. We thought that anyway based on the kids' Christmas presents. She text me yesterday asking if I needed any of these items as she going to sell them at a baby and kids market: travel cot, high chair and two activity tables. Normally, I would have considered the activity table because I remember SG used it a few times when we were at MIL's. However, I am trying to get rid of stuff, not bring more in. J has a walker that has toys to keep him amused, plus a lot of other toys. I told her that we didn't need any of it.
Later on Facebook,I noticed that she had added pics of everything and was asking her friends for help on how to sort it all. I didn't get involved, despite thinking maybe she should join a group about getting organised.
DH and MIL still not talking. He is still paying off the PS4.
DH was out for his friend's 30th last night. When I say out, he was away for the night with his friends. He's the only parent there and he told me he was bored. I'll find out how the rest of the night went when he's home later.
It's my 30th next month. I've took my birthday off Facebook because I don't want MIL to use that as an excuse to get in touch. DH thinks she knows when my birthdaut ordering one then.y is though. I don't think her memory's that good. I've requested a cheesecake from DH from our favourite cheesecake place. I'm going there with my mum during the week so I'll see about ordering one.
I'm tempted to get a takeaway for my birthday but I keep thinking that the money would be better off elsewhere (credit card #2, emergency fund)
Posted in
January 10th, 2015 at 09:41 am
I'm taking inspiration from LR and dedicating a post to my Emergency Fund.
48.00 Beginning Balance
+10.00 Four-weekly deposit
+ 2.00 Weekly deposit
+ 0.75 Opinion Outpost PP reward
60.75 Ending Balance.
289.25 to go to meet my goal of 350GBP by the end of the year.
Posted in
January 10th, 2015 at 09:31 am
My paypal account was credited with 2.50 today from Opinion Outpost. I sent 1.75 to cc#2, 0.75 to EF.
Posted in
January 9th, 2015 at 06:41 pm
I just ordered a Christmas tree storage bag from Amazon. It was 8.99, I had a 5BP gift card. I sent 3.50 to cc#2, 1.50 to EF
Posted in
January 9th, 2015 at 10:24 am
The first payday of 2015. I paid 130 to CC#2, not as much as I wanted to, but better than last month's payment of 85 (plus a 3.50 snowflake)
I also paid my 30 to cc#1. And over 200 to my catalogue. Ugh.
I've told dh we're spending as little as possible on shopping this month.
I've started doing the surveys that Opinion Outpost email to me. Anything to get more snowflakes really. I've redeemed 2.50, just waiting on it crediting Paypal.
I can update my EF balance tomorrow when the payments hit. I might start doing what Lucky Robin does and make a separate entry for it, when I've got more in it.
Posted in
January 7th, 2015 at 01:26 pm
My bank refund was credited today. It was for 15.00. I transferred it to my mum. I'm also going to pay for her Christmas savings this year (100) although she doesn't know it yet. I just want to make up for borrowing in the past.
I received an email from mums survey asking for my bank details so I can receive the reward. Of course I replied ASAP.
I think that's all for now.
Posted in
January 6th, 2015 at 06:51 pm
I keep on counting down the days until payday. I think it's because I know I can start paying extra to my credit card again. I'm desperate to make my first credit card payment of 2015. I feel bad that I've been wishing my life away to get to payday.
Luckily, I have things to do to keep my mind off - like decluttering. It keeps me busy while also hopefully creates a calmer living space, eventually - well as calm as it can be with a baby and a toddler. I shredded some things today and I found a coupon I can use (a future snowflake) It's only for £1 off but snowflakes add up.
Posted in
January 5th, 2015 at 08:46 pm
Not much to report really but I thought I would update anyway.
DH went shopping today, armed with my list. He added some extras to the list while he was there. He gave me the used list when he came home, with notes and everything. I wrote down the price and weight of the items I wanted him to get (he likes specifics) For his extra items he wrote the price and added it up so he roughly knew the total at the checkout. He also told me that he let two people in front of him while he organised his trolley.
I was charged an unpaid direct debit fee before Christmas. When I checked my statement I seen that I had plenty of money available. I messaged the bank to complain. They said that I was overdrawn, it just didn't appear on the statement. I asked for a refund and they're giving it to me. As much as I would like to put it towards debt and savings, I'm going to give it to my mum because she helped me out a lot when we were struggling.
I forgot to mention that DH doesn't really know about our EF. Not that it's a secret, just that it's linked to my bank and I set up the transfers. I think that whenever he knows he just wants to use it. I might be wrong. The last time I told him the balance was last year after I wiped it out. I know we haven't got much right now but it's something. I know that if we have enough saved and have a real emergency that we'll have to use it, but that's the point, isn't it? To have it there, in case.
Posted in
January 4th, 2015 at 02:50 pm
I phoned Paypal this morning. They were really helpful. The customer service rep that I spoke to said that my account was fine to receive the reward. I attempted to redeem the reward after the phone call, but no luck. I'll just have to get Amazon gift cards.
I checked this month's budget. My catalogue payment is higher than normal because I ordered stuff before Christmas. I can still pay extra to the credit card, but probably not 160. It will prob be around 130-140. Usually I pay 90 so it's still a big jump from normal. I will hopefully get some snowflakes too.
I'm aiming to spend as little as possible on groceries from this pay. This should hopefully help to pay extra to debt.
Posted in
January 3rd, 2015 at 01:16 pm
For a response from Paypal. I think I might just give up on the paypal idea for a while and try to get extra cash elsewhere. I completed another mums survey this morning so that money should be deposited soon. I like to try and do these surveys as soon I check my email and notice it. I think I've only got six months left of getting these surveys because it seems to be aimed at mums of children under a year old, and J will be one in June. Also, when I go back to work I'll miss a lot of survey opportunities.
Posted in
January 2nd, 2015 at 08:24 am
I was really hoping to start the year off on a high note by claiming my first snowflake of a 5GBP Paypal deposit. However, swagbucks couldn't verify my paypal. I've confirmed email address, bank account etc so I don't know what the problem is. I emailed Paypal customer service so I am waiting on an actual proper response, not the automated one that they sent.
For now I will continue to get SBs while also trying to find other possible snowflake sources.
Posted in
January 1st, 2015 at 01:52 pm
Happy New Year everyone!
Today has been low-key. I did some tidying earlier and found a few things to get rid of. I'm making a steak pie for dinner using the reduced beef and pastry that I froze a while ago. I found a recipe online so I will be trying that. It's my first attempt.
Last night we had an over the counter pizza and a little buffet of chinese and indian snacks that I bought frozen. For lunch we had leftover pizza.
I'm quite close to redeeming five pounds paypal from Swagbucks, about 30SBs away. I'm desperate to redeem something as it will be my first proper snowflake of 2015. (I'm debating whether I should actually include the 5GBP survey reward from last month)
Posted in
December 31st, 2014 at 08:48 am
I think I'm the only one that's pleased that this year is almost over. It's been my worst year to date so I'll be glad for 2015 to be here.
I was thinking about snowflakes last night - the money kind, that is. I haven't really got any disposable income since I put all extra towards debt repayment so I will take "snowflakes" out of my budget. I'm not sure if this will work, I'll see next year. For example, if I save £5 off my shopping I'll just include that in my budget as spent. The only exceptions will be direct bank deposits and Paypal, which I am considering aiming for most of the time from Swagbucks, or at least every other time. It costs more than an Amazon GC but I think it will be worth it.
I was also wondering whether I should aim to find x amount of snowflakes. When I tried this almost two years ago I didn't do well, but I never made a goal and I don't think I was as motivated then. So my goal will be to find £150 worth of snowflakes. Realistic? Who knows? We will find out in 2015.
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