Viewing the 'Budget' Category
April 21st, 2016 at 08:11 am
It's been a strange month. I know getting the loan and paying off most of our highest interest debts was smart. I'm just waiting to see the outcome now; hubby's catalogues haven't updated yet. If my calculations are right I should be paying 150.xx to the catalogues as opposed to 500 I was before. That plus loan payment and my credit cards should take debt repayment to 460.51.
Im wondering whether I should start putting extra towards my 0% cards...
Husband got his new tv, he loves it. It's an early birthday present.
I'm behind inputting spending into my budgeting app.
Posted in
March 27th, 2016 at 02:48 pm
It's payday on Friday. This month my budgeting app has shown me that I spend over 60% of our income on debt repayment. That was an eye-opener.
This pay I am going to go back to my old ways and meal plan properly. I also have to pay the last of the cot (33) because I don't want that added to my catalogue. I'm also going to shop in Farmfoods and probably Iceland (the shop). I've been browsing frugal recipes these past few days too. I also think we have to start having one or two nights a week of cheap meals e.g eggs, chips and beans.
So, right now, my plan is:
1. Payoff cot before 29/4
2. Meal plan
3. Buy frozen meat and fish
I also have to replace the money I've taken out of savings. I have a feeling that'll take a while though.
I've been managing to go into Swagbucks daily. I'm trying to keep the habit up so I can get snowflakes.
Okay, the only way is up from here.
Posted in
March 14th, 2016 at 01:57 pm
It's been a while again.
SG's birthday is soon. We used catalogue rewards (so zero out of pocket) and high street vouchers to get her gifts. My only actual spending has been on buying her card and ingredients for the cake, which I'll buy tomorrow.
I installed a budgeting app on my tablet. My only complaint is that I can't set it to four weekly payments.
I set an unrealistic grocery budget of 80 and unfortunately I'm over by 3.xx with over two weeks to go. I will of course use what we have first before buying anymore.
I had to decline a wedding invite from a friend from school. I'm surprised we got invited in the first place, I haven't seen him in years. He was at our wedding though. To go to his wedding it involves a lot of travel and staying in a hotel or something. I had to tell him about hubby quitting his job. I really would have loved to go. He was supportive of my decision and told me that I would be missed. He did say that hubby is invited to the stag do though.
Hubby is going to be quite busy soon I think. He recently got back in touch with a few of his close friends. They didn't seem to know about major life events that had been happening with each other, they do now though. They had a good catch up and seem to be checking in with each other daily. I like those kinds of catch ups. They have invited him out soon.
A few days later I had my own catch up with my friend so it worked out quite nicely.
Found out from my mum that her and her siblings are splitting the cost of my uncle's funeral.
One of my friends is in hospital right now. She has a chronic illness. I have been texting her,i think she would go stir crazy otherwise.
I downloaded Swagbucks TV onto my phone, anything to get more money to put towards debt.
I think that's all for now.
Posted in
January 4th, 2016 at 10:55 am
I still have no actual plan for this year. However, this is what I do know:
- Minimum spending here. I'm trying to only buy necessities
-I will have to take over Husband's debt payments (two credit cards and catalogues)
-I really don't want to touch our savings
-we will be, at our worst, three hundred pounds in negative as of Feb. This is before any help though because I'm not sure what we're getting. No overdraft or anything like that so I'm preparing myself mentally
-Sell, sell, sell!! We have some baby stuff to sell. If we have any luck I want to put that money aside for later
-we still have high Street vouchers left from Christmas. These can be used to do food shopping if need be, but only in Iceland
-I just spent fifteen minutes there on Swagbucks, I may have to do this occasionally
-we're saving less for Christmas until I know where we are (100 vs 300 last year)
I think that's it.
Posted in
October 1st, 2015 at 07:57 am
It's been a few weeks since my last update. I'll try and remember everything I wanted to write about.
We've just been plodding along here.
I've been making more of an effort to track spending, especially miscellaneous spending. So far this pay, almost two weeks in, miscellaneous spending has included a bake sale at SG's nursery to raise money for charity, a sponsored walk to raise money for her nursery, a magazine for me and a few impulse purchases at the checkout.
I seem to be blowing my way through the food budget. I have been doing my best to meal plan again recently and use things up. Maybe it's time to increase the budget. I'll admit though I have noticed that I have been spending more on food in an effort to gain weight and return to my former self.
I started Christmas shopping. I used 24GBP worth of catalogue rewards to get the kids something, so it was essentially free.
Speaking of the catalogue, the minimum payment is now at double digits. I can't remember the last time it was this low. I will enjoy it while it lasts since my horrendous BNPL item will be added on in December, and that will add 44.xx to my minimum payment.
I don't know my snowflakes total for the month. However, I did finally get all of the money transfered to debt and savings for the month. I am stil getting bored of doing surveys, although I did do one yesterday which shoudl reap rewards soon.
I've saved the best news till last: I finally hit 300 in the emergency fund!
Posted in
September 3rd, 2015 at 06:59 am
I was debating whether or not to update, even though there's not much to talk about. I think I was losing interest in my blog there but I don't want people to think I'd fallen off the bandwagon and was away racking up debt or spending my minimal savings (if I disappear). I realise it's only been a week since my last update. I guess I just think I'm at a point where I will talk about anything in this blog. Or, almost anything. I'm unsure whether this is a good or a bad thing
Spending has been all over the place. Seems to be the theme these last few weeks. Food shopping has not been helped with me buying some processed foods. And steak.
I got my haircut. It's a total change.
I haven't totaled up my snowflakes for August.
EF is now at 276.78.
I think that's it.
Posted in
August 28th, 2015 at 08:17 am
It's been a while since I've taken a proper good look at my debt. Ugh. I hate it. I spent a while earlier working out some numbers.
Four paydays until my massive bnpl item from last year will be added. I keep on paying 200 each pay to my actual bill, so it will be 800 less by then.
111 left to pay of J's cot and mattress. I have until April to pay this.
Last week I just paid the minimum to BoS. I checked my budget this morning and I had budgeted 90, so I sent an extra 42 to make it up.
I set up faster payment via my bank for the new credit card. If I paid 106.30 every month I would have it paid off in 26 months. Nothing has been put to it yet.
21 months left to payoff Tesco credit card before the interest-free period is up. Balance now is 1555. I'd have to pay 74.04 to get it paid off by then.
I would love to pay it all off, obviously. I need to find a way to pay extra to the 0% cards so I'm not carrying that debt over when it ends.
The catalogue is the biggest problem though. If I wasn't paying that I'd have extra to pay to the credit cards. Also, I still have to get rid of the remaining BOS balance.
Right now I pay 300 each pay to debt, roughly.
Catalogue: 200 + 15 bnpl payment
BoS: 70 (although 90 this pay)
Tesco: 30 (35 today though)
I need to add Nationwide's credit card payment on to this too.
Hmm. I didn't actually solve anything.
Posted in
August 21st, 2015 at 07:30 am
Today is payday, but I have a few things to update first.
My impulse spending still seems to be happening a lot. It's mostly something for lunch after work, or out for lunch with the kids, like we did on Monday. Mostly my reason for it is to get something to eat on the way home from work because I'm usually starving by the time I finish. I need to start packing something to eat on the way home.
Speaking of work, the trousers that I wear at work are becoming a bit of a nightmare. Or rather, they have been like that for a while and now it's really starting to get to me. On Monday night I decided that I was definetly going to buy a new pair after work on Tuesday. It means going into the shopping centre and I can never be bothered, but I thought I'd definetly make myself go then.
Well, it never happened. I was three hours into my shift at work when I fainted. The first aider at work decided to call an ambulance. They came out, spoke to me about my weight, blood sugar etc and told me to get an appointment with my doctor. I was lucky enough to get an appointment that day. When I seen the doctor he told me to keep a food diary and come back in a few weeks. As per recommendation, I've now joined my fitness pal to keep track of calorie intake.
I thought I'd lost my bank card but I found it this morning.
I recently qualified for one of those mum surveys. 5gbp reward, so I should have that soon. My Survey emailed me because I haven't been attempting surveys recently. I attempted a few so that's sorted now. My attention seems to be either on surveys or swagbucks, I don't have time for both.
Yesterday I checked my bank balance only to realise that I still had money left over before payday. I transferred some to my emergency fund .
Today I woke up and seen that my pay was less than normal, although I think I was late a few times. It's not drastic though so we'll be fine.
I paid minimum to BOS this morning. I've also paid Christmas savings. I think there's only one pay left of paying them, I'm going to double check. There's possibly only three or four more paydays until my huge buy now pay later (BNPL) item gets added on.
It's dh's birthday next month. It's over four weeks away so we'll be paid before then. Any meals out will come out of that pay, unless I manage to keep money aside from this one.
We've almost finished the last of the meat from the huge order I did online a while ago. I'll have to actually buy meat this pay period.
Posted in
July 31st, 2015 at 10:54 am
I can't believe it's the first of August tomorrow. July was definetly a quick month!
I don't think I posted about this the last time I updated, but a few weeks ago dh got a letter saying that his catalogues were merging. He is essentially paying the same company twice. Want to give them all of your money? I hate it. It gets worse... the icing on the cake is that he told me he couldn't remember one of his account numbers (he usually signs in with his email) so he was late with the payment. Did you check the shredding pile (huge bag!) No. He knows that every time we get mail - if it isn't junk, that goes straight to recycling - it will be in the beside the shredding. He came back a few minutes later with a statement.
Dh is still at me to get a best friend. Sure, I'll just magic one up. I think he forgets that you can't just become friends with people overnight. He's got a few group of friends, some of the newer ones work in the same place as us. Unfortunately, unless I suddenly become interested in gaming, I can't claim them as my own. Whenever I see them, they'll ask "How's [Dh] getting on with x game?" I don't know; aren't you playing the same game? Honestly. "Tell him I'll be online later" Ok, but you've probably already told him.
Then there's one of his oldest friends, who is completely not interested in gaming or anything else for that matter. We get on well. In fact, I remember meeting him for lunch when I was on maternity leave with SG and during my last maternity leave, he could always be relied on to ask how I was getting on with the *three* kids. Not good, want to take one of them off my hands? He has recently set up house, so I foresee a wedding in the future.
I spent a while this morning thinking about how much to pay to cc#1. I decided on 39.09 because the number it's at right now - 1629.09 - is bugging me.
Why didn't I put any of that energy into cc#2? I'm still hoping I will be able to do a balance transfer soon. I had to get in touch with Nationwide again because I still haven't received the paperwork. The woman was worried because it's been sent twice, but I never get it. If I don't get it within the next 3-5 working days I've to go into the branch.
If I do have to go into the branch, I'll get dh's birthday card while I'm there since I have to walk past the shop anyway. He told me what he wanted me to get him, but I ordered him something online from the kids yesterday. I saved 20%, or 4.58, so that is counted as a snowflake. It's going straight to my emergency fund.
Here's my snowflakes for this month:
8.25 Approved Food discount
3.50 Tesco coupon
2.50 Opinion Outpost rewards
15.00 Swagbucks rewards (paying myself back)
3.00 MySurvey rewards
4.58 20% discount savings
Total: 36.83
This is my best month yet! Of course, it helps that I paid myself back for Swagbucks a few months ago.
My total snowflakes YTD are now sitting at 165.07.
I think it's safe to say that July shaped up to be a good month.
Posted in
July 6th, 2015 at 05:32 pm
I spent way more than I planned to today...
We went to Tesco this morning, with the intention of getting some milk, bread/wraps and some other things. We were later leaving this morning so I ended up buying a sandwich, fruit and juice for lunch. And something for SG too. In the end, that was almost fifty pounds (we stocked up on much-needed toiletries, found a few hair accessories for SG, socks for J, t-shirt for dh plus fresh fruit) I saved 3.50 using a coupon so that will be counted as a snowflake.
We also went to the Costa that is inside Tesco. Spent 7.10
Before we left I paid two weeks worth of rent and 30 to Tesco credit card.
I'm working four hours extra tomorrow. My manager persuaded me. She's good at her job.
Oh I just received a ton of email notifications from other blogs, one of them was from when Crreditcardfree gave away a book. Did this happen to anyone else?
Posted in
June 25th, 2015 at 09:55 am
I like the idea of posting what I'm budgeting for payday tomorrow. (Thanks for the idea HouseHappy!)
Aside from bills - rent, utilities and council tax - I will be budgeting:
-150 Groceries
-50 for baby/toddler items (nappies,wipes,new cutlery for J)
-200 to catalogue
-70 to cc#2
-30 to cc#1
-18 to emergency fund
-30 to Christmas savings
-15 to bnpl item (cot & mattress, payoff April 2016)
-44.40 for council overpayment
Debt and more debt seems to be the theme here.
I need to keep track of my catalogue debt too, so I will get that added to the page currently titled Credit Card Debt.
Posted in
June 12th, 2015 at 08:22 am
I am still doing my best to meal plan. I'm sometimes finding they're not going exactly to plan because we have more leftovers than I thought. I've been waiting until we actually run out of an item before buying another, so this is helping to stop us having to throw out food because we haven't managed to eat it in time.
I'm still tracking spending too. Next pay, or in the near future, I need to set up an entertainment and misc category. They're both not in the budget yet I've bought things that can count as misc and when we go bowling next week that will be entertainment.
Dh phoned me when he was on his way home from work yesterday. He told me he had the letter from the council with him that said we had overpaid, and that he was going to go into the office to speak to someone about it. I didn't think there was any point but he wanted to try.
When he came home, he told me the person he'd spoken to had phoned someone to discuss the debt. She told him we can repay it back at 11.10/wk. I will probably still use snowflakes for it - when they are redeemed and in my account - because it wasn't in the budget. I now need to add a column in my spreadsheet for this. I don't want to drag this out too long, but at least it is kinder to the budget.
I think I need to do save for birthdays too. I save for Christmas each pay, so birthdays should be saved for too. I think my problem is that I don't want to try to save for too much and then fail.
I'm not sure that I'll meet my emergency fund goal this year, especially as I'm diverting snowflakes. But I will try my best.
Posted in
June 7th, 2015 at 06:56 am
It's official; Dh is sick of me talking about debt and how much I hate it. I told him I'd love to be debt free by the time J starts school - so four years from now - he think we'll still owe double figures to the catalogues. Ideally, I would personally love for all of my debt to be gone in two years.
I complained to my bank about not being able to use my card online. They passed me on to the card care department, who told me that they had noticed fradulent activity on my account (a charge to my mobile phone) I told them that I didn't carry out that transaction. They also told me that a new card was sent out to me on 21/4 but I never got it. I'm waiting on them sorting that out now.
I checked out prices for bowling. Dh and I have agreed that we'll go next Monday for their 50% off deal.
I'm still tracking spending. I forgot how eye-opening it is. It's clear that I don't budget for everything, so I need to fix that. I'm also still meal planning. Today I'm going to make up some soup using some not so pretty vegetables that are in the fridge.
Posted in
June 3rd, 2015 at 05:57 pm
We're using up some leftovers for dinner tonight, possibly tomorrow too.I underestimated how much leftover we would have.
I came home from work and dh told me had ordered two games from the catalogue (because he didn't have the cash to buy them) and he picked BNPL. I said he should start paying it off before it gets added and I offered to help; he said if I wanted to help him I could help him with his credit card. I said that the catalogue needs help too, he thinks his credit card is worse. He asked what one I would want help with, I said the catalogue.
Still tracking spending - I will update soon.
Posted in
June 1st, 2015 at 06:31 pm
Our Tesco delivery came today (46.08) It didn't include fruit because I can get it cheaper elsewhere. Nappies and formula are cheaper elsewhere too.
Food: 71.28 (140 budget)
Household: 1.00
I also bought our four-weekly bus ticket (73.20) and put money on our gas and electricity meters (20)
Half of our food budget gone three days after payday. Think I'll need to increase this when J turns one.
ETA: Oops I almost forgot. I posted a package today, that was 74p.
Posted in
May 31st, 2015 at 08:23 am
For the first time this month, I included my colleague discount savings in my snowflake - or at least, a few weeks of with it. I stopped when my manager reduced my hours. I'm not sure if I'll add it for June, we'll see. (I also still owe myself 15.00 of Swagbucks rewards)
6.00 Tesco coupon
7.25 Colleague discount
2.50 Opinion Outpost
3.00 My Survey rewards
18.75 Total
I have now accumulated 110.74 worth of snowflakes, or 74% of my goal. I must have set my goal too low at the start of the year, but it was just a guess.
I have decided to keep track of any impulse purchases and note exactly what I spend in the baby category, and gifts etc. So far, it's looking like this:
food: 25.20 (140 budgeted)
baby: 90p (70 budgeted)
gifts: 9.00 (zero budgeted)
impulse: 1.80 (two bottles of Oasis juice, zero budgeted)
My cousin had her fourth baby boy a few days ago, so I bought some clothes and a card for him.
Posted in
May 29th, 2015 at 08:32 am
This post may be predictable, but I didn't predict that my debit card would be declined when I tried to make online payments. Thankfully, dh had left his card at home so I transferred money to him then used his card. Phew.
I paid 200 to Littlewoods, minimum was 156.
I paid minimum to BOS and Tesco. While doing that, I was pleased to see that my balance transfer has gone through. It then occurred to me that maybe I could have skipped BOS's minimum payment since the 1000 balance transfer was technically a payment? Well, I'd already paid it when I thought of this.
I also paid 15 to the cot/mattress BNPL.
I'm in the middle of ordering groceries online from Tesco to be delivered on Monday. After work tomorrow I'll be getting meat from the butcher's and milk. I am going to make up a meal plan.
I also need to keep track of my spending to see where my money's going. I have a suspicion that I'm wasting a lot on impulse purchases after work.
J will be one in a few weeks, which means I don't need to buy as much formula from this pay.
Dh wants us to go bowling with the kids soon because we got a coupon for it. He thinks SG would love it.
I forgot to mention that last week someone at work unexpectedly died. I didn't work with him but dh knew him. He was out jogging when a cyclist hit him. He was ok at the time and he even spoke to the cyclist. Later he went to our local hospital then to one in Glasgow where he died from serious head injuries. They're still looking for the cyclist since they never exchanged details.
Posted in
May 1st, 2015 at 06:51 am
I paid 250 to the catalogue this morning, the minimum payment was 188.xx. I just used the money that I would have sent to cc#2. I then paid 15.00 to my bnpl item, which is the cot and mattress.
I will just continue to focus on paying off the cot and mattress because I can't manage to payoff the other item, clothes, bed and mattress, by December. The balance has to be paid off in full, otherwise it will be added to your account.
Next I will be paying minimum to both credit cards.
Posted in
April 17th, 2015 at 09:54 am
J is sleeping, and Doc McStuffins is on, so I've been playing about with my budget. Assuming I worked my pay out correctly, I should be able to finally pay 160 to cc#2, extra to cc#1 and set aside money for June. We still need new outfits too, but I haven't decided how much to budget for that.
Posted in
March 6th, 2015 at 10:22 am
Today is payday. This morning I paid minimum payment to both credit cards and made a payment to my catalogue.
Next on the list is transferring money to MIL and then that debt will be gone. I'm happy to have less debt, I just wish it was mine.
Tomorrow my automatic transfers will hit the emergency fund and I will finally hit triple digits after two failed attempts last year (money withdrawn not long after reaching triple digits). I just hope it stays there for a while.
J is away for his morning nap so I got SG to help me bake a chocolate fudge cake with ingredients that we had on hand. I will buy in more flour and sugar and we will do lots of baking this month. More specifically, SG's birthday cake.
I'm back at work at the end of the month. I got my dates mixed up, I thought it was the beginning of April. I know that I'm lucky to have gotten nine months maternity leave in the first place. I need to get in touch with work to sort out my hours.
Posted in
November 10th, 2014 at 08:36 pm
I went shopping today, spent 6.83 at Aldi on fruit, bread and some meat. It was freezing. I had my warm jacket on but I was cold waiting on the bus. Hat, scarf and gloves next time I think.
I sorted out some of J's clothes today that we were given. It didn't take too long and now there's more space in SG's room. I also tried some of the clothes on him while I was doing it. It's so nice to have a willing model; SG is a different story.
I paid 30 to the new credit card yesterday. It will take a few days to update though.
I'm starting to think about next year's goals.
Posted in
October 1st, 2014 at 10:13 pm
Recently I've noticed that I've been trying extra hard to save money while at the same time having a lot of unplanned - usually impulsive - spending. This is a new problem.
I'm a member of a FB page that auctions of items to help a charity. I love this charity. I'm not sure if it's because I've been a member for a few years and read their story (their nine month old died) that I really feel involved with their story. Lately, as in two weeks ago roughly, I won my first auction. I had only bid £1 but it was the highest bid and I won. I paid the money, feeling great about giving to charity. The following week, I bid on some more items, not intending to win but just to start the bidding process and help raise money. Well, I won. I've won two more since then. I've spent almost thirty pounds on this charity. All unplanned. The good news is that it's for SG and J's xmas.
I've managed to stretch a 750g packet of mince into three meals for us. I think hubby is sick of mince now but he knows the situation.
We went through next pay's budget with a fine tooth comb and it's going to be just as bad as this month (not due to impulsive spends though) I might have to transfer money out of savings this pay because it is that bad. I'm so disappointed in myself because I already did this in May I think it was, and now I have to do it again. It was nearly at one hundred pounds again. I don't want to do this every few months, it's like one step forward, three steps back.
Posted in
May 3rd, 2014 at 08:53 am
Well, I phoned work yesterday to find out the reason for my low pay. The company only pays twelve weeks of sick pay; I've used all mine. My pay was government sick pay.
Hubby came home from work and checked his balance. His pay was worse than mine!! We worked it out and it's because he took sick days when I was first out of hospital. It was at that moment that I decided to withdraw one hundred pounds from the EF. Does this qualify as an emergency? To us at this point yes. I just want to make sure we can pay everything. I didn't want to withdraw the money but I can't see any other option. We've already borrowed money from family before so i don't want to do that again - although I suspect my mum might offer if I mentioned it but that would be 20-30 pounds and we need more. Goodbye goal of even reaching 200 pounds this year.
I'm trying to spend as little as possible on food shopping. I ordered from a website called Approved Foods to fill up our cupboards. They sell food that is close to or past its sell by date. It's all dry foods though. That was almost forty pounds but I ordered a lot. We should only need to buy some fresh meat and bread and milk. We go through a lot of milk, especially since I try to make sure that I drink a pint a day.
I also decided yesterday that I need to claim for my first hospital visit in December. I need to do it before next month when it's been six months. I can fill in the form today and get it sent. Hopefully they will process it this month.
Posted in
February 27th, 2014 at 07:25 am
SG is still sleeping so I used that time to check over my budget for next pay period. Everything has now updated with the new minimum payment so there will be no surprises. Assuming that my pay is reasonable, we should be ok. I've updated everything in my notebook, and I just tick it off as I pay it. I also use Excel to budget too but I think I prefer physically ticking items off when they're paid. In my budget, I've put that I'm paying 100 to CC1. Fingers crossed I can do it since I am still on sick leave. I'll make it work, I want that debt gone.
Posted in
February 23rd, 2014 at 01:39 pm
I've been clearing out the fridge today. I made tuna fish cakes for SG from leftover tuna mayonnaise and leftover potatoes. I put two in the freezer to use another time, so I hope she likes them, I adapted the recipe to what I had. If SG doesn't like them, then we will have them. For lunch I will use up some more cooked potato and have a sandwich with that. When hubby comes home from work, he will have the last of the chinese from last night. There's also two baguettes that MIL gave us that I might try turning into garlic bread then freeze that.
I've got a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes that need using up. I'm going to parboil some of them today then put into a container in the fridge to be used for wedges or mashed potato. After that I will make the tomato and mozzarella pasta that I was meant to make a few days ago. There will be leftovers so we will probably have that for lunch tomorrow.
I've got a rough idea of what I'm going to make this week:
- tomato and mozzarella pasta
- cottage pie
- pizza with pepperoni, leftover mozzarella and peppers (forgot I had a pizza base mix from a while ago)
- corned beef hash
I was playing about on Whats the cost this morning. If I am able to pay 100 to CC1 every month I will have it clear by the end of April 2015. Then, if I pay 180 to CC2 that will be gone by June 2018. Of course, it sounds great in theory but I will try my best to put it into practice.
I also want to make sure that we have some sort of an EF because that's what caused a lot of the credit card debt in the first place - that and unnecessary spending . Part of me wants to save 10/fortnight rather than every four weeks but I don't know if I have the room in the budget for it just now. It does work out as only ten pounds extra every pay period.
Posted in
February 14th, 2014 at 08:26 pm
I've really been making a conscious effort to use up leftovers.
I made corned beef hash for the first time this week. We had a lot left over so when my mum came to visit I sent her away with some. As it turns out it's a really cheap meal to make: tin of corned beef, mashed potatoes, baked beans, onions and tomato sauce. In the oven for 10-15 mins.
Sent hubby to work with some beef casserole.
MIL brought hubby home yesterday and gave us some hamburger pasta that she had made and a sausage and bean casserole. Me and SG had the casserole tonight, I just added some grated cheese. Hubby is going to have the pasta tomorrow since it's one of his favourite dishes (his mum used to make it all the time)
I've been checking our grocery budget and we have 22.37 left to last until payday (7/3). I only need to buy milk at the weekend so I'm not worried. Yet. We do have a full fridge and freezer so there's no reason to stress.
Posted in
December 9th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
I started using an application "Budget Brain" I have two budgets stored on it. One is my current one, the other is what I want to do.
In my first budget I am paying £248.04 towards debt, and only £5 to savings.
Budget 2 I am paying £275.12 towards debt; £48.75 savings and I added £20 for going out. I increased payments to CCs and savings in this budget. I am hoping to follow this budget next year. The only problem with this budget is that it leaves me with a £3 underspend each month. However if it means that I get to clear debt and save then it is worth it. After all, I will have budgeted for everything that i need anyway, right?
Posted in
November 24th, 2010 at 07:18 pm
This is what I end up asking myself a few days Ouafter payday. I mean I've been working extra, I should have money left over. I wish. I only got paid on Friday and I have £198.16 left. I'm going to have to claim the money back from my contact lenses so I don't end up overdrawn this month. I'm gutted, I wanted to put it into savings. Practically all of my money goes towards debt. Anyway, here it is:
average pay: £788 (every 4 weeks)
"rent" £160
car payment £101.79
car insurance £94.83
catalogue £80
dental plan £12
phone £30 (average)
petrol £40
cc1 £40
cc2 £40
Love Film £18.99
savings £5
Total: £622.61
Note: all payments listed for catalogue and credit cards are above the minimum.
Next month my road tax is due - and I haven't got any money put aside for that. I could just kick myself. Anyway that will take me to £707.86 (Next year I'm saving for road tax!)
Ok, if you managed to read all of this, thank you. Vent over.
I would love to take all my leftover money and put it into savings/clear debt.
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