September 25th, 2010 at 04:52 pm
I crashed my car today. I've been on the phone to DH, crying. The worst thing is it was all my fault. I was leaving a junction and I thought it was safe to go. I crashed sttraight into a car that I hadn't seen. The car belonged to a lovely old man who took my details. The left side of my car is dented. I know my insurance will go up now but it is all my fault. I should have been paying more attention.
Posted in
September 24th, 2010 at 08:57 am
The last four weeks at work I didn't do as much overtime as I had wanted to, getting sent home two hours into my shift didn't help either. I got paid less than I did last month. When i'm back at work after my holiday I'm going to get some overtime. I'm just going to have to work with what I've got, it's the only thing I can do.
This morning I have paid money to MIL ("rent"), paid catalogue and my high-interest CC. Still to pay the lower interest one. I'm trying to decide how much money to put aside for my friend's wedding. I'm getting their present today too (£20 budgeted) The place that they're having their reception is really cheap so we shouldn't need too much. their wedding is in three weeks (the week before payday for us)
Tonight I am going out with my mum. She is buying the drinks while we're there since I got the tickets. I think it will be a good night.
Today I have to:
- buy their wedding present
- get petrol
- put money aside for wedding (can't see it, can't spend it)
- pay washing machine
- pay other CC
Posted in
September 22nd, 2010 at 01:55 pm
Last year one of MIL's friends gave us a £30 voucher to use at the restaurant where he works. We finally used it last night. Total spent: £28 (actual total was £55 before the voucher was used) It's a lovely restaurant that overlooks a lake. We both enjoyed ourselves, it was nice to get away for the night.
Today has been a no-spender. I don't think we'll be going anywhere today.
I'm off to read everyone's blogs now. Hope everyone has a good day!
Posted in
No Spend Days
September 20th, 2010 at 11:06 pm
DH's birthday went well. I got him a book to open on the day and I made him a cake. We went out for a birthday meal with DHs family. When it came to paying the bill, in-laws paid cash. I had my card so just said I would get the bill and they would give me their cash toward it. Well I can't find the cash that they gave me towards the meal now. I know I dropped my bag just as I was getting out of the taxi but I would have noticed money. DH thinks it will turn up. I hope it does. Next time I'm bringing cash.
Today was a no-spender. We tidied our room and watched dvds. I went to visit my mum. Originally I was going to put the money into my bank account but that isn't happening now...
I think this week will be quiet, we don't get paid until Friday.
Posted in
September 17th, 2010 at 10:33 am
We bought a new laptop - well ordered it from my catalogue. Our reasoning? We had been using MIL's for months and it had been causing problems. There have been many arguments over how long we've had it, level of charge left etc... We spoke about it and decided enough is enough. We haven't got our own place so may as well get it now. We're paying it up, interest-free over a year. There were 2 year credit options but I didn't want to do that. So what's the damage? £402 (this includes a 3 year warranty) It's smaller than i thought it would be but at least it's ours
Posted in
September 13th, 2010 at 06:56 pm
I accidentally published that last entry when I'd only just started to write it. Oops. I'll try again.
I tried to spend as little as possible today. This morning I made sure to pack everything that I needed for work. I noticed we had a really nice cereal with strawberries and almonds in it so took that to work for breakfast. A lot of people commented on how nice my breakfast looked. Packed everything for lunch too.
This is my last week at work before I'm off on holiday (not that I'm going anywhere) I think that's a reason why I'm finding it so easy not to spend anything: I'm counting down the days. Right now I'm not doing any overtime this week so I could, in theory, only have two more shifts to do. However I do keep thinking I should pick up a shift before I'm on holiday.
Hmm, in other news, my uncle proposed to his girlfriend at the weekend. I'm going to have to buy him a card to say congratulations.
Posted in
September 13th, 2010 at 06:49 pm
Posted in
September 10th, 2010 at 03:42 pm
On Monday I handed in a urine sample at the doctors to be tested. Since I'd been working all week I kept missing their calls. I phoned today and the nurse phoned me back. She said that it was a perfectly healthy sample. It's good to know, people at work and family were speculating that I might be pregnant.
I ordered a little present for DH to open on his birthday. It was under five pounds.
Posted in
September 9th, 2010 at 05:02 pm
It's been a few days since I updated. On Sunday I woke up with stomach pains all through the night. When I woke up on Monday morning I still had a sore stomach but I decided to go to work. Well, I managed two and a half hours of my nine hour shift. I went to the doctors but she couldn't tell me what was wrong. She is my new doctor so she doesn't know anything about me, she asked if I was taking any medication. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm fine now though.
Unfortunately, the overtime that I did today isn't really overtime since I just made up hours that I had lost out on on Monday. Oh well.
In other news the tribute night that I'm taking my mum too this month is now paid off.
Posted in
September 5th, 2010 at 06:51 pm
On Friday I worked 6 hours overtime. Then we went to visit my friend who just had a baby. They offered us dinner but we had something to eat before we left. We stayed for a few hours, she and her hubby were tired since this is baby's first week home. She liked my presents. Total cost: free
Last night it was DH's friend's birthday. We went to his house. Put petrol in the car before we went. DH gave me £10 towards it. Total cost: £20 (£10 me)DH took beer that we bought last week.
I was back at work today. Asked supervisor for overtime so I'm working on Thursday. DH is working nightshift on Friday.
I'm doing well tracking spending, especially DH. Basically I'm aiming not to spend money on anything that I don't need. I'm going to look online for my friend's wedding present tonight.
In other news, I spoke to my friend about staying at hers when we're on holiday. The offer's still there so we're going the week of our anniversary for a night.
Posted in
September 2nd, 2010 at 01:52 pm
Today I put money into DH's bank account, posted a letter to DH's grandparents and my friend who is in the army, posted a Love Film DVD. I also bought in all of the special occasion cards that I will need for this month, including DH's anniversary card. Spent £10.50
Our first wedding anniversary is sorted. Booked the cheapest hotel I could find: £23.50 We're staying for one night. DH is going to buy us breakfast the next morning at a restaurant near the hotel. I love it when things come together!
Going to my mum's later so need to get some housework done, and my ironing. Off to have some lunch now and get started.
Posted in
September 1st, 2010 at 06:48 pm
My goals for August were to:
[X] Track my spending 100%
[X] Track DH's spending
[/] Pack 100% at work
[X] Add to savings
I managed 3 out of 4 so it's not too bad. The only thing that let me down is buying food at work a couple of times. Therefore, this month I am packing 100%. It will save me money and hopefully mean I'll have more money left before we get paid again. I bought a few things today I can take to work with me, spent £2.89.
There's a few things I need to do this month, and they all cost money:
1. buy my friend a wedding present (could wait till next month but that will be a few weeks before the wedding then, I want to try and get it in soon)
2. pay off rest of tribute night: £25.90
3. buy wrapping paper and cards for birthdays this month. £5 estimate
4. add to xmas savings £15
I'm going to track all of our spending this month. I think it's a good habit to get into.
Posted in
August 30th, 2010 at 06:17 pm
It's been a while since I bought something for myself (other than the dress for the wedding, I mean, I had to get that) Today after work I bought:
- a pair of skinny jeans £12.50
- a pair of black trousers £5
- two tops £6
- a box of wine £10 (said on box it lasts 4 weeks so I'm going to try and keep it that long)
The tops were in the sale, the jeans and trousers weren't, however I have been eyeing them up for a hwile. That is me done treating myself,well for the next four weeks anyway. There's still things I have to buy this month. I didn't need the wine but it is equivalent to three bottles.
Didn't spend a penny at work
Posted in
August 29th, 2010 at 07:18 pm
Yesterday me and DH went to visit my friend. It was the first time I'd driven to her house. I googled directions, and estimated time: 49 mins. Well it took me almost three hours to get there. We got stuck in traffic - apparently there was a football game on - and I got lost. The entire experience was really stressful. I'm just glad we made it there in one piece. I had just under a full tank when I left, now I have half a tank. Half a tank two days after payday.
Once we got to my friend's we had a great time. She made us dinner and we had a good catch up. In fact, she said we are welcome to stay with her and fiance anytime, which I thought was nice. DH and I are considering taking her up on her offer during our two weeks holidays. It will get us away from here for a few days at least. It also means I can have a drink with her. DH and her fiance were drinking beer that DH brought with him. Apart from all the petrol I used, the trip was basically free. We had dinner with them so that was nice.
Posted in
August 27th, 2010 at 03:03 pm
Today is payday. So far I have paid my catalogue bill, the washing machine and two credit card bills. I paid £50 to one and £20 to the other. Well as it turns out I paid £50 to the CC that is interest-free until next year and £20 to the CC with the high interest rate. I could kick myself. It wasn't until I had confirmed the payment that I noticed. I'll take a look at figures and see if I can pay more to the CC with the higher interest rate. By the way, I know £20 looks like a measly payment to make towards it but it is more than the minimum payment they were asking for (£6 something)
Posted in
August 26th, 2010 at 04:15 pm
For the past four weeks I have been tracking my spending. I've just spent a while trying to figure out exactly how much I've spent and where I spent it. That got me thinking, I need to think of a better way to keep track. Right now I just write down what I spend in a notebook. It took me ages to work out exactly how much I've spent in one shop, although I write down the name of the shop next to how much. Anyway, excluding bills, this is what my spending roughly looks like:
ASDA £120.06
Play £6.98*
petrol £65.02**
Caffe Nero £6.70
NEXT £17
social £55.70
* I ordered a dvd for my mum for Christmas and a book for MIL's birthday
** Only £40.00 of this is what I put in. DH and my mum gave me the rest
The social category includes going out for a meal and the cinema for my friend's birthday. I also met my other friend in town for lunch. I paid a deposit too to see a tribute act next month with my mum so I guess it isn't too bad.
I think the biggest shock I got when I totalled this up is the amount I've spent in ASDA. I remember buying walkie talkies cause DH asked for them the day we got paid. I mostly buy food that I take with me to work. I also buy me and DH drink. I just didn't realise it was that much. Phew.
I had a few things to do today. Went to the bank and put £44 into savings so need to update my sidebar. Out of the £44 some of it was change that I've been meaning to take to the bank for a while. Booked an eyebrow wax for tomorrow (£8) Tomorrow's payday so we'll see how I do.
Posted in
August 22nd, 2010 at 07:45 pm
I was back at work today. No sign of any overtime yet this week. I'm feeling better so will probably try and get something.
My auntie is visiting from England this week. I usually don't see her that much when she's here. Either way, if I can get overtime I will do it.
Spending today looks like this:
Asda £6.95
work 60p
Bought fruit, yoghurts, crisps and cheese, all of which will be used for my packed lunches. I haven't managed to achieve 100% with the lunch challenge but I've given it my best shot.
Hope everyone else is enjoying the rest of their weekend! I'm off to read your blogs now 
Posted in
August 21st, 2010 at 04:38 pm
It is DH's birthday next month. I asked him what he wanted. He's picked a game which won't be out until near the end of October. Cost: £59.99 It's a collector's edition. The only problem is it's release date. I'll need to get DH something to open on the day.
Posted in
August 21st, 2010 at 10:31 am
I've still not been well these past few days. I cancelled on my friend who I was going to visit today. I don't feel well enough to drive through. We're going through next week instead.
Found out this morning that my friend had her baby boy this morning. 8.12lbs We'll go and visit her soon
DH pointed out to me last night that I could help him pay back his mum. If I didn't have my own debt I would plus, psychologically, I like knowing that there's at least some savinsg in the bank. I need to make my priority getting most of the credit card cleared before the interest-free period is up, which is January.
Posted in
August 18th, 2010 at 07:06 pm
I feel crap. I'm loaded with the cold. I've been coughing and sneezing for the past couple of days. We get paid next week, so this week is cut off. Due to that, I usually always try to make sure to do extra the week before we get paid. There's overtime going at work but I didn't take it, I'd rather rest and catch up on sleep.
Went to Poundland after I had finished work and bought Beechams all in one. (£1) I was impressed with the price until I came home and realised there's only 8 in the pack and I've already taken two. I'll be finished the pack tomorrow. I guess I can buy another pack tomorrow.
Tomorrow's going to be busy, well I think it will be. Told my mum I would take her to the doctors, she's making an appointment in the morning. Also she wants to take her dog to the vet. Plus I take DH to work. And I'm going to my mum's for dinner. I think she wants to spend the whole day with me.
Friday should be quiet; DH is playing poker at night but apart from that we have nothing planned.
On Saturday I'm driving through to see my friend who is getting married in October. I'll need to clean the car before I go.
Today's spending looked like this:
£1 Poundland
£2.89 Asda
I bought fruit, yoghurt, sweets which were half price and cereal bars for work next week.
Posted in
August 16th, 2010 at 06:20 pm
Well not really, MIL is home. DH is working tonight, he's covering a shift. It's good because he hasn't done overtime in a while.
As soon as I stepped into our room today I noticed MIL had been in our room. DH hates when she does it. I do too but he has proper arguments with her. The last time he brought it up they had a huge argument and MIL used the phrase "it's my name on the house" It's times like that when I wish we had our own place. Hopefully tonight won't turn into an argument, although by every right it should, DH has told her that we deal with our room. It's silly how I know she's been in. She's tidied the room and put Farmfoods bags in the bin. A few weeks ago I bought bin liners for our room which I've been using. MIL doesn't know about them, I keep them in a bag (which, in fact is out in plain sight) DH does though, and he would have used them.
Posted in
August 15th, 2010 at 07:13 pm
Spent the day in the house yesterday. Would have been a no spender except I topped up Hubby's phone. £10
Today was spent at work so thankfully it was a no spender. I wish I had more of them.
I almost forgot, yesterday I done the one thing I said I wouldn't do: ordered from my catalogue. My friend is getting married in October. I ordered a dress from the catalogue for the wedding, DH helped me pick it. I think I got a good deal on it. Originally £85 but then I redeemed my rewards so it took it to £67. I still need to find a pair of shoes and a bag to go with it.
Posted in
No Spend Days,
August 13th, 2010 at 07:26 pm
I met my friend in Edinburgh for lunch. This is what I spent:
bus fare £6
lunch £9
magazine and a sweet £1.75
My friend had a 25% off voucher for the restaurant we went to so that was good. It was nice catching up with her. She's away back to London on Sunday so it will be a while until I see her again.
On the way back home yesterday I went to MIL's work. Got a free coffee (saved £3). She was by herself so I asked if she needed any help. She did, and three hours later I left to pick up DH. I can't complain, she made a milkshake for me so that was another £3 saved.
I worked six extra hours today. I'm not too sure if I will be able to work extra next week, my mum wants me to go to the doctors with her.
I was hoping to have a NSD today however I picked up a bottle of wine that was on offer (£3) and drink for DH (3 bottles, £1.88 per bottle) and snacks for tonight and breakfast tomorrow. We're going to watch The Ugly Truth, it arrived from Love Film today. Originally we were going to go out but we decided to stay in.
I'm hoping not to spend a lot next week, although I am sure I say this every week. Have a good weekend everyone!
Posted in
August 8th, 2010 at 07:48 pm
It's our first wedding anniversary next month. We were talking about staying in a hotel for a few nights. If we do it will have to go on the credit card and I know that's a bad idea. I don't mind if it gets paid off quickly but I do mind it staying on the card for ages. We still have a voucher to use at a restaturant. I'll need to talk to DH tonight to decide what to do. We really only want to go to the hotel to get some time to ourselves.
I've been ordering from the Avon catalogue these past few months. I haven't ordered that much. The last order I put in was £23, my biggest one yet. Ironically the woman who does the Avon said she didn't get my order. I have the money put aside just in case she finds it. I haven't ordered anything from the new brochure.
Lunch challenge going well. Bought more crisps and cereal bars to take to work.
It's my friend's birthday tomorrow. I took out the money today that I'll need.
Need to buy a present for my other friend who is having a baby soon.
I'm also meeting my other friend for lunch in Edinburgh. Phew. Sounds like a lot of spending to me.
Posted in
August 7th, 2010 at 03:13 pm
I'm a few days behind tracking our spending. I've got the receipts together though so it won't take long to write it down.
Went to local shopping centre with DH today. We went for a coffee, and used our loyalty card so we only had to pay for the cheapest one (£2.80) Bought a birthday present for my friend. (£10) and a bag of sweets - impulse buy at the till. £1 Also bought a t-shirt that DH wanted that was in the sale. (£6)
Bought BIL's birthday present too. £20 for a griddle pan from Denby. It was half price. His birthday is next month. This money was from my old bank account.
Total spending today: £39.80
Posted in
August 5th, 2010 at 12:27 am
I received £30.53 cashback a few days ago from the cashback website I use. I just transferred the money to savings, so my new balance is £97.96 - almost at triple digits!!
Posted in
August 1st, 2010 at 08:13 pm
I've decided to make some firm plans for this month. Or should I say goals? Here they are:
1. Track my spending 100%
2. Track DH's spending
3. Pack 100% at work
4. Add to savings
Posted in
July 29th, 2010 at 08:08 pm
It's the night before payday. I was just checking my bank balance online. I had £49.85 left so I transferred £29.85 to savings. The other £20 will be used to pay the deposit for the tribute night (hopefully I'll get that done tomorrow)
Posted in
July 26th, 2010 at 07:25 pm
We went to see Toy Story 3 yesterday then we went bowling and had a few drinks. I spent all of my £30.
Last night we went to visit one of our friend's who has just bought a house. It was a late night but good.
I'm going to take my mum to see a Beatles tribute in September. I'll need to pay the ten pounds deposit for each person this week.
Checked my bank balance, and once I take out the £20 for the deposit I will only have £29 left. My phone bill didn't come out automatically so had to phone and pay that today. Hope its sorted by next month.
Trying to keep spending to a minimum for rest of the week. I've got three more shifts left to do this week before payday and I've been buying snacks at work. Next month I will try the lunch challenge again and record my spending. I bought in a small notebook that fits in my bag perfectly so that will make life easier. It'll be even easier to record if I don't spend anything. However, life isn't that simple.
Posted in
July 23rd, 2010 at 07:49 pm
We're going to see Toy Story 3 tomorrow. DH wants to see it in 3D. He's treating me. I'm buying us sweets to take into the cinema.
Afterwards we're going bowling. I'm paying. I have £30 in an envelope that my mum gave me when I went shopping for her (I paid for it, she gave me the money back). I was going to put it into my bank account but I will just use it tomorrow instead. All in all, I'm hoping the day won't cost too much.
What's everyone else up to?
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