September 4th, 2011 at 07:13 pm
Well I made it through August so I'd better make some goals for this month now. They are:
[] Start baby fund
[] Cook one family meal
I've been really bad, I still haven't said to my friends. In fact, one of my friends text me and I haven't had the nerve to get back in touch with her yet. She doesn't even know we've moved into my mum's so I know that will lead to questions.
I want to make lasagne this month. It's been so long since I've cooked. Apart from feeling sick on Saturday, I've basically been okay so I think cooking is feasible. Plus, I'll actually have space in the kitchen to do it.
Posted in
September 2nd, 2011 at 04:29 pm
I seen my midwife for the first time this week. I had to finish work early, but I still got paid for the rest of my shift. Hubby came with me. It was an hour full of questions and taking blood, checking weight etc. Over here you have to carry your own notes about with you - I don't know why. So, I now have a folder full of my notes and another folder of suggested reading.
My scan's booked for next week, so I may be further on than I thought. We'll know on Thursday when they can give us an exact date.
We're both trying to settle in here. Hubby ordered new furniture for our room that we can take with us when we get our own place. Right now, there's not enough space for all of our clothes and I'm still in the middle of unpacking and having a clear out. If I wasn't so tired all the time I would have had it done by now. The furniture arrives next week. When it's here we're swapping rooms with my mum, who has the biggest room.
Financial wise, not much is going on. The midwife gave me a folder and spoke about vouchers I might be entitled to. We're both working so we're not entitled to anything. The only freebie I got was two sachets of herbal tea, and a coupon for 60p off appletiser.
I'm off to catch up on your blogs now.
Posted in
August 28th, 2011 at 08:16 pm
I think it's going to take a bit of getting used to living at my mum's, hubby and my mum were almost arguing last night. I need them to keep the peace.
I've not managed to half a proper conversation with hubby about finances. From the way he was talking today he doesn't think he'll make it to October living here. He thinks we will have declared ourselves homeless by then. I'm trying to think positive, I told him we need to save more and get rid of debt before we do anything. Plus, I spent almost two years at his mum's, he can manage some time here. He's just going to have to.
As for the baby fund, hubby thinks we should start that from next pay. I say the sooner, the better. I might actually just save up what I have just now to get us started. I think he's worried we don't have enough money.
I told my manager the news this morning, and that I didn't want anyone else to know. Personally I think she asked if I was having morning sickness yet pretty loudly but never mind, nobody said anything. I ended up telling a few people, but told them to keep it quiet.
I seen on the news at work about Hurricane Irene. Who all lives in the East Coast? Hope you guys are okay.
I haven't had the chance to think of goals for next month, but I will soon.
Posted in
August 27th, 2011 at 03:02 pm
I really wanted to update my blog yesterday but I never had the chance. I woke up before 8 yesterday so I could phone the doctors to get an appointment. I phoned at 8 and the earliest time she could give me was 5pm. We took 5pm since it was our only option.
The rest of the day, before leaving for the doctors, was spent packing and moving stuff to my mum's. It's mostly my stuff we've moved. In the time spent at in-laws I've gathered a lot of crap, so I'm going to have a massive clearout and give a lot to charity.
We spent over half an hour waiting to be called at the doctors. When I finally seen her I was exhausted so I didn't ask any questions, just told her what I knew so far. She said I should receive a letter from the midwife soon. Apparently it's the midwife that deals with it all. She said she got in touch with them electronically to let them know so I should get a letter soon. I'm going to hang off changing my address details at the doctors just now until I get the letter.
We had a close call this week. When we told people at the start of the week, we told them not to tell anyone. Apparently MIL misunderstood/didn't listen and told one of her friends. On Thursday I decided to sign on to Facebook when I noticed a huge comment that had been sent about an hour before: "CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy for you" One of MIL's friends had decided to publicly leave a comment on my page, and had changed her status to talk about how great a gran MIL will be. I deleted the comment as soon as I noticed it, and hubby got on the phone to MIL. She's now not talking to her friend, and she apologised for telling her in the first place.
I've text some of my close family members today to let them know, with strict instructions to NOT post on my Facebook page. We're telling our friends in a few weeks, and I'll let work know soon.
Some financial news now:
I paid my "digs" to MIL. Hubby spoke to her and they came to an agreement that half of my money would go towards hubby's debt.
Hubby gave me £50 towards CC2, plus I paid £50,so £100 payment. Nice.
I've finally reached my moving out fund goal, but I'm still going to add to it.
I spoke to my mum and right now she thinks £50 each from me and hubby will be enough. However, I'm not too sure if that will change. We will start giving her that next month.
Posted in
August 24th, 2011 at 08:02 pm
As I sit here writing this entry, I'm surrounded by boxes. Yep, we're moving to my mum's this week. We're hoping to be there by Friday. I've managed to pack up most of my books and dvds so I'm hoping the rest won't take too long.
So, in my last few entries I've mentioned - a lot - that hubby definetly did not want to go. I couldn't persuade him, he was staying put till we found our own place. Well, what happened? Three pregnancy tests happened. I took one on Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday. And they all came back positive. In fact, according to the tests, I'm 3+ weeks which is about 5 weeks according to the leaflet that comes with it. You guys are the first people I've "told" apart from my mum and in-laws obviously.
Hubby told MIL we're moving out and that I'm pregnant. The first time she worried about was money - she's behind in her bills etc. Apparently - and this is the first time we've heard it - when we give her "digs" its for gas/electricity/food we've already used. Therefore, she said to hubby about wanted the money since we've used the stuff already. I don't want to leave on bad terms so I feel like I have to give her my usual money too. Hubby disagreed but I don't want her bitching about me, saying how I left things etc.
I told people at work we've moving. They were really pleased. A few people said "you should get champagne". Nobody at work knows I'm pregnant, I'm reluctant to tell them. We're going to the doctors on Friday so I'll know more then.
Oh, a few hours after we found out, me and hubby were talking and it's agreed: we need to start a baby fund now.
Posted in
August 18th, 2011 at 08:49 pm
Hubby and I spoke again today about our situation. We've reached a new decision: if we're not out by Christmas we're going to my mum's. Hubby wants us to try to save to buy our own place. The only way to do that is to get on the LIFT(Lothian Initiative for First-Time buyers) scheme, and that fell through the last time. Also, it's really popular now, and it would take us ages to save up the money needed.
There's no way we can afford to buy, but at least we've made a decision. I guess if we don't get accepted for the scheme the money can be used for renting a place.
Posted in
August 18th, 2011 at 10:05 am
It seems like all I do is try to find extra hours at work. Yesterday I worked a twelve hour shift, it was only a few hours extra but I was exhausted. I've got a shift at the weekend too- basically any excuse to get out of the house. I might as well get some money for it. That being said, I earn just above the minimum wage.
Sometime soon I'm going to do some baking with my mum. She has the ingredients, I just need to find the time to go over when I'm not rushing about.
Speaking of my mum, the other day hubby questioned if we were moving to my mum's. Seriously? I said we were only going if we both agreed to it, which we clearly don't. Part of me is tempted to say I'll go myself, I'll save us some money. But I don't know if I could do that. After that, he said he wants us to move out by October. I think it'll be tough enough to aim for Christmas, never mind October. There's no way that will happen, we're halfway through August. As much as I'm going crazy here - people have started to comment on how tired and stressed I look at work - it just isn't realistic.
I told hubby he's been letting the team down: I'm the one who does extra hours at work and I'm the one who saves. I'm hoping as of next payday he'll step up. He's agreed he'll help so come payday I'll transfer the agreed amount from his current account to mine, and then to savings.
My car's making a rumbling noise. Not good. I think it's coming from the front of the car, not sure where though. I really don't want to spend any more of this car. When it's paid off in April I'll need to look into getting a new one.
Posted in
August 14th, 2011 at 07:18 am
We spoke yesterday about moving to my mum's. Well, no surprise here, DH doesn't want to. Pointing out that it was his idea in the first place didn't help either. I'm not happy about it, but we've agreed we're staying here. I told hubby I'd like to be out of here by xmas and into our own place. I don't know how feasible that is but I need a goal.
Staying here is costing us money we shouldn't be spending. We both wanted out of the house on Friday so we went out for a few drinks. The money we used was meant for booking train tickets to England.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm not as close to my CC2 goal as it appears. Last week DH found an online comic subscription. It was an American website so I wasn't sure of the cost until I checked my statement online (which I'd just set up that day, makes life easier) I think it was $59 USD which was about £38. I think we'll be adding the train tickets to CC2 aswell... once DH has spoken to his grandad. I'm not booking them until we know he's free.
We've agreed that hubby will contribute towards savings, and pay for half of our Love Film subscription. That will start from next payday. Hubby pointed out that he wants to get rid of his debt to his mum too - which is at £450 now - so he won't still be paying her when we move out, whenever that is... Well we need him to add to savings. So, he'll do both: pay his mum and save something.
Posted in
August 10th, 2011 at 07:29 pm
After work I went shopping for a birthday present for my friend's little boy. I budgeted £15, spent £7.44, I just need to post it now.
I added £7.60 to my emergency fund and £10 to my car fund.
I'm going to phone my credit card company tomorrow and cancel the repayment cover. They charge me almost £20 each month. I never would have took it out normally, just when the woman in the bank was telling me about it, I thought I should get it. Well, I can do without it now.
The minimum payment for my catalogue has decreased by £20 but my CC1 min payment has increased. That's because of last month's shopping for hubby's gran's funeral. I was expecting an increase.
My goal is just to get though this month. It's not been the best month so far. If I have money in the bank before payday that will be good.
Posted in
Car fund
August 7th, 2011 at 06:39 pm
Last week was crap. I had myself geared up for hubby telling MIL we're moving out, I was thinking I'd start getting rid of junk in my old room, tidy here etc. It never happened. Hubby's family dog died on Thursday. He'd been ill for months. So, hubby decided to postpone telling her.
I think he's close to changing his mind. If we do stay here he will have to talk to her about his money and the fact that we're going to manage his money for work each month. We've already bought juice for him to take to work (30 pack of cola for £7) I'm hoping that we will move but we'll see.
Posted in
August 3rd, 2011 at 08:41 pm
I probably shouldn't be writing about this since we haven't spoken to the people involved yet. However, I mentioned it to a couple of people at work so there's no harm writing about it. Basically we might be moving to my mum's house for a few months until we find a place.
It's hubby's idea. He spoke to me at work on Sunday, then again after work when I picked him up. They argued - again - before he came to work. He wanted to move to my mum's this Friday and tell his mum that night. I persuaded him otherwise thinking that telling her the same day they've argued, she'll put it down to that, plus he'd been working all day, I didn't want them to argue after he had finished work too. Financially, we've already paid our money for the month and, from what I can gather, most - if not all - of it has been spent already.
I was at my mum's and I jokingly mentioned it to her. She was all for it. However, I didn't have a proper conversation about it yet cause nothing's finalised.
DH is going to tell his mum on Saturday. I would love us to go to my mum's, so I hope it happens. I can't see MIL being happy about it but that's not our problem.
Posted in
July 30th, 2011 at 09:40 pm
Every four weeks, hubby gives MIL money, £300 to be exact. For most of this year, hubby has been asking her to write a list explaining exactly where his money his going. Well, today she wrote the list. According to the list, the £300 is made up of:
£160 digs/rent
£15 broadband
£35 gas and electricity
£30 figurines*
£60 break money*
We disagree with the last two. The figurines are comics which DH gets every month, they started off as a gift a few years ago for his birthday. We checked the letters and the total is less than thirty pounds. As for break money, hubby works four days a week. We get paid every four weeks. Hubby gets £3 for each shift... well that only totals to £48, where's the other £12 going?
We can't do anything about is until next pay at the end of August. DH has already given her this month's money. However, he's going to talk to her before next payday. We'll take control of his break money and the figurines. For his break, we will buy juice etc so he's not spending/spending less at work. I'm just glad we finally got an answer.
Posted in
July 29th, 2011 at 09:59 pm
Today was payday. Usually I post an update in the morning but I was working all day today so I couldn't. Anyway, I added my usual £25 to savings, taking my balance to £541.15.
Hubby has finally come round to my way of thinking, well sort of. After a few arguments with a certain person he declared that he "wanted out" and he "didn't care if it was one-bedroom cos it won't be forever" Well you can imagine how pleased I was. However, the one-bedroomed flats that Ive looked at this week require a £675 deposit, and I have less than £600 in savings so clearly it isn't happening yet. When it does happen it will wipe out my savings, so I would love to have more than the deposit saved.
Hubby disagrees with one aspect though: he thinks we will be fine just having the deposit saved, I don't. Plus, I also pointed out to him that neither one of us has a lot of disposable income which can be used towards household bills. And we both have debt.
I don't know why I've spent so long writing about something that isn't happening yet. Oh well, I can dream.
Posted in
July 28th, 2011 at 02:33 pm
I finally have more than £500 in savings! I went to the bank today to add money. I had £20 leftover petrol money plus £2 in change. My savings balance hasn't been this high since March 2009 when I was saving for our wedding. How bad is that?
We went to England yesterday for hubby's gran's funeral. It was a lovely service. His grandad wants us to come and visit soon. We're both off in September so it would be nice to visit him then. I don't want to drive there so I'm going to compare train vs coach. Travelling by coach will be cheaper but I'll have to see what hubby wants to do.
Posted in
July 23rd, 2011 at 12:07 pm
After a few hours shopping yesterday, we got hubby a suit for the funeral. He also needed a shirt, a tie and new shoes. I think I spent close to £200 yesterday, so my contribution from my emergency fund, £17, really didn't make an impact at all. I mean I knew it wouldn't, I just wanted to know that I hadn't put it ALL on to my credit card. Hubby thought I should have just left it untouched, well it's too late now.
I got my new credit card statement in for credit card 2. Due to my increased payment this month I'm close to reaching my goal. I've updated my sidebar to show the new balances. I've also updated my balance for CC1, although I won't receive the statement until next month. I'm miles away from my goal now.
I found out yesterday that I've managed to drop a dress size, which isn't a good thing. I had to buy a 6 (US 2?)instead of my usual 8. A few days of not having proper meals and I'm down a size. Once my mouth's better I'll be back to normal.
Posted in
July 21st, 2011 at 11:36 pm
We found out today that hubby's gran's funeral is on Wednesday. I'll need to get the day off; hubby is on a week's bereavement leave. BIL is going to drive us there, it will take about 3-4 hours to get there.
I had to make an emergency dentist appointment today. I thought I had an abscess or something similar. I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep or eat anything properly since Tuesday night. I woke up at 5am this morning to take ibuprofen. Well, it's better to get these things checked out sooner rather than later - especially when you have a funeral to go to.
I felt like a hypochondriac when I was explaining to the dentist what I thought the problem was. As it turns out, my wisdom teeth are coming through. The bottom one is here; the top one is causing the problem. I can't remember exactly what she said but basically I have an infection in the left side of my mouth, so the left side of my face is swollen. Eating is a nightmare, but not half as bad as when I (try) to brush my teeth. The dentist gave me antibiotics so hopefully they'll work. Please be gone by Wednesday. (The antibiotics were free, the dentist said they're included in my plan)
We're going shopping tomorrow to get hubby's suit and my outfit. I think he needs shoes too. I'm fine for shoes. I spoke to my mum today, she said I have black trousers at hers. However, I'm sure I gave them to her because they were too big for me.
It's been so long since I used my credit card that I had to really think of what my PIN is. Well, I think I've remembered it.
Thank you for all the nice comments on my previous entry. This entry is longer than I thought it would be. If you made it this far, sorry about all the dentist talk.
Posted in
July 21st, 2011 at 01:22 am
My husband's gran passed away last night. We won't know until Friday how she died, although they think it was a cardiac arrest. She was in her late seventies and in great health, 50+ years married.
The funeral will be next week I think. We'll have to get the day off from work,possibly two since we will have to go to England. Hubby will need a new suit, and I need a new trousers and a top. I have clothes that I could wear but they're old. We went to a funeral in January (friend's sister) and they were ok because I never had my jacket off so they couldn't see my faded top.
I told hubby I'd put his new suit on my credit card since my EF won't be enough.I think it may be enough to get myself a pair of black trousers and a top. I probably will have to add to it. I'm torn about using it though, especially since I'm putting hubby's on to my card. I mean, a new outfit is not an emergency.
Posted in
July 17th, 2011 at 07:10 am
I checked my bank balance and noticed that a payment had came out earlier, so I actually had some money spare. I added £15 to my moving out fund. Only £5.85 to find now!
Posted in
July 14th, 2011 at 07:24 pm
I was playing around with next month's budget - extra to savings, extra to debt etc - when I realised that I don't have a category in my budget for my car fund and emergency fund. How am I supposed to add to them consistently if they're not in my budget? Silly me. Well of course I've added them to my budget now. I've budgeted £10 for each of them, although really it should be more than that.
I don't know if it's just me but I find it difficult sometimes trying to cover everything: adding to moving out, EF, car fund. I know it will be worth it in the long-term though when I have sufficient savings so that I don't end up using my credit card to cover emergencies/car repairs.
If only I had built up my emergency fund first. I might not have all of this credit card debt if I had.
Posted in
July 14th, 2011 at 01:45 pm
One of my goals this month is to get my Moving Out fund to £500. I need to add £20.85 to do this. Well, I haven't managed to yet, I did however buy season 8 of Smallville (£13.50 with my discount, plus hubby is paying for half of it) Not a necessity, obviously.
I almost took my change to the bank today. I only have two bags though so I'd feel a bit silly going in with only two pounds worth. Hmm. I do also have the money that MIL gave me for buying her wine (£4) That would be £6, which isn't a lot, but it's something. I don't have a problem transferring small amounts online, it's just going into the bank I feel like I should have more to put in. Either way I'm going to try my best to reach £500 before the 29th.
Posted in
July 9th, 2011 at 08:21 pm
It's nearly time for me to leave and pick up hubby from work. I had a nice, relaxing day. I only spent £3.15 today so that was good.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that hubby is definetly going to help me with CC2 (almost half of the balance is his) He hasn't helped me before because I've known that he has other things to pay, plus it's MY credit card, I have to pay it. Well he's going to contribute as from next month. I know some of you may be thinking that we should have a joint account already so we really shouldn't have any issues like this.. but we haven't got one yet. I don't see the need to yet as, unfortunately, we're not running a house. We both, however, know each other's bank balances and always check in to see where we're both at.
I also had another conversation with hubby about my other credit card. He wants me to use it to fix my power steering - sometimes it's heavy, sometimes light - and my rear windscreen wiper. I want to save some more money first towards it. He views my credit cards as the only way of fixing my car; I'm trying - slowly - to build a car fund for these sort of problems. I haven't added anything to my car fund or EF yet this month, I really should.
I'm halfway through my new book. The author is actually Rosamund Lupton, not Lipton, just in case anyone else wants to read it. If I hadn't met my friend I may have almost finished it. Oh well, it was nice to catch up.
One of our friends just got a house with his girlfriend, and her daughter. Is it bad that I'm envious of them? We've been invited over tonight so I'll get to see their house.
Hope everyone has a great day since I think I'm about eight hours ahead so my day is almost over. In case you haven't guessed the time difference between London and New York is mentioned a few times in the book.
Posted in
July 9th, 2011 at 09:58 am
It's been a quick week. I've spent most of it working. We had some nice weather but I missed it all.
I spoke to my friend, she's upset but ok. I think her little boy helps her to take her mind off it.
My new book arrived: Sister, by Rosamund Lipton, so I've started reading it.
We went out to eat last night, then we went to see the new Transformers movie.
Today I'm meeting my friend while hubby is at work. I've not seen her in ages.
Posted in
July 3rd, 2011 at 08:20 pm
I've mentioned that I pay all of my bills online. On payday I paid all of my bills that were due (just waiting on the other direct debits coming out for others) Well I signed on yesterday to view my credit card balance and I've been charged a late payment fee of £12. It was due on the first, I paid it on the first. I'm so annoyed at myself for letting this happen. This won't happen again.
In other news, I'm enjoying spending my "fun" money. I've ordered a book from play - Sister - just waiting on it arriving. I also bought myself two cookbooks: one devoted to baking, the other easy pasta dishes. Not that I ever cook. The most time I spend in the kitchen is when we're both off and I make us breakfast and lunch. I really want to cook something soon though. Oh I've spent £7.09 on myself. (I budgeted £10 - small amount, I know)
I received some bad news from my friend. She's lost her baby. It's still inside her. She's going to the hospital tomorrow. I told her I'll be thinking about her when she goes in. I didn't know what else to say.
Posted in
July 2nd, 2011 at 07:49 am
1) Get savings to £500 by 28th July. To do this I only need to add £20.85. Small savings compared to last month. However, this month I know I have a cinema trip and I've actually budgeted for "fun" so we'll see how I do. The reason for aiming for 28th July? I get paid again on the 29th.
2) Read my new book. I just ordered myself a book from play out of my "fun" money.
3) Find Hajime no ippo book for hubby/Start ordering Naruto books for his birthday if I have no luck
Posted in
July 1st, 2011 at 08:57 am
I always have a productive mornning on payday, mostly because I pay all my bills online and transfer money to savings online. This morning I've also been to the shops and back. I had to pay mine and hubby's xmas savings to my work colleague. She finishes up today for her holidays so I had to give our money to her. That's another thing ticked off the list. And it's not even 9am yet (almost).
My auto savings transfer and my normal savings were added to my Moving Out Fund today (£30) New balance: £479.15 My no spend month definetly helped my savings.
I paid extra to both credit cards this morning. With credit card 2 I'm taking a new approach. I added the minimum payment and interest. I paid that amount (£78) to the card. They also charge me for repayment cover, which I agreed to when I first got the card, but I haven't accounted for that. I figure two out of three isn't too bad.
Posted in
June 30th, 2011 at 04:43 pm
It's the the last day of June and I haven't spent a penny I think that my NSM has been a success, despite a few setbacks - namely my windscreen and breakdown cover.
Here's what I spent this month:
£35.78 Beginning balance
- £2.78 (savings transfer)
+ £781.76 (wages)
- £13.00 (dental plan)
- £25.00 (savings transfer)
- £160.00 ("rent")
- £300.00 (hubby)
- £65.00 (credit card 2)
- £41.00 (credit card 1)
- £56.00 (catalogue)
- £70 (cash withdrawal)
- £20.00 (cash withdrawal)
+ £300.00 (cash credit - hubby)
- £2.40 (ASDA)
- £4.50 (candles)
- £45.00 (dentist)
- £70.00 (windscreen replacement)
- £50.00 (DH debt to MIL)
- £16.76 (AA)
+ £105.00 (cash credit)
- £90.75 (6 month road tax)ras
- £50.00 (savings transfer)
- £22.31 (phone bill)
+ £45.00 (dentist reimbursement)
- £98.42 (car insurance)
- £18.90 (Harry Potter tickets)
- £16.68 (AA)
+ £20.00 (money from mum for tickets)
- £49.04 (savings transfer)
= £0.00
Extra transferred to savings = £101.82
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
I decided to add everything saved apart from small change (5p, 2p and 1p) I added £20 to my car fund and £14.40 to my emergency fund. I put the small change into my money bags which I'll take to the bank soon and add to savings.
All in all, I've done better than I thought I would.If my windscreen didn't need replaced I would have saved £70 more, but that's life. Now all I need to do is think of my July goals.
Posted in
Car fund
June 26th, 2011 at 06:40 am
Just posting a quick update before I have to leave for work.
These past couple of days have been no-spenders. My mum gave me money yesterday for driving her about so I used that to get petrol (£10) Therefore, my envelope balance hasn't changed.
I've decided to definetly add "fun money" to my budget next month. Hubby bought himself a t-shirt yesterday, it's been a while since I've even done that. Even if it's only £10-£20 I will allocate something for personal spending.
Posted in
No Spend Days
June 22nd, 2011 at 06:45 pm
I was thinking about my no spend month today, and it occurred to me that I don't budget for personal spending. I pay for Love Film every month but that's in the entertainment category, I buy food for work and to eat at home but there's nothing for me. I'm not too sure how this happened. My husband has treated himself a few times these past few months but I haven't. I'm not too sure if I would actually spend the money but it would be nice to have the option. Even if I didn't buy myself something, if we went out for dinner, or to the cinema... I haven't budgeted for it.
Today was a no-spender. I forgot that my phone bill was due out yesterday so I've updated my balance. My car insurance is due out next, then my breakdown cover. I'm still waiting on my claim money being credited to my account. It's been a while since I made a claim so I can't remember how long it takes, hopefully before the end of the month.
£140.35 previous balance
- 22.31 (phone)
= £118.04 remaining
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
Posted in
June 21st, 2011 at 06:20 pm
Not much to report. Spent £2.70 yesterday on snacks meaning that its now the envelope with the lowest remaining balance. For these past few weeks I've been keeping the envelopes in my bag. This morning I put them into a drawer in my bedside table - out of sight, out of mind.
I forgot that I had sponsored a friend from work. He climbed Ben Nevis to raise money for one of his friend's. Hubby has offered to give me the money.
For another week my money for zumba has remained untouched. I think we will go next week but we'll see.
I'm really surprised that I havent had to get petrol yet. It helps that hubby had a few days off so I didnt have to take him to work and pick him up. Also I've been leaving work later to try to avoid the rush hour traffic.
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
Posted in
June 19th, 2011 at 08:20 pm
I ran out of cereal bars today. I bought an 8-pack of Rice Krispie cereal bars and a snack-pack of Oreos (only 50p)The cereal bars will last me two weeks, oreos should last this week (4 pack, 1 each shift)
Total spending: £2.25
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£4.94
= £32.66 spent/ £37.34 remaining
Total saved = £52.78
I was talking to a woman at work this weekend, she got me thinking about joint bank accounts. We still have our own separate accounts. When we get our own place it will change but it works well for us now.
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