Viewing the 'Spending' Category
August 10th, 2011 at 07:29 pm
After work I went shopping for a birthday present for my friend's little boy. I budgeted £15, spent £7.44, I just need to post it now.
I added £7.60 to my emergency fund and £10 to my car fund.
I'm going to phone my credit card company tomorrow and cancel the repayment cover. They charge me almost £20 each month. I never would have took it out normally, just when the woman in the bank was telling me about it, I thought I should get it. Well, I can do without it now.
The minimum payment for my catalogue has decreased by £20 but my CC1 min payment has increased. That's because of last month's shopping for hubby's gran's funeral. I was expecting an increase.
My goal is just to get though this month. It's not been the best month so far. If I have money in the bank before payday that will be good.
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Car fund
July 23rd, 2011 at 12:07 pm
After a few hours shopping yesterday, we got hubby a suit for the funeral. He also needed a shirt, a tie and new shoes. I think I spent close to £200 yesterday, so my contribution from my emergency fund, £17, really didn't make an impact at all. I mean I knew it wouldn't, I just wanted to know that I hadn't put it ALL on to my credit card. Hubby thought I should have just left it untouched, well it's too late now.
I got my new credit card statement in for credit card 2. Due to my increased payment this month I'm close to reaching my goal. I've updated my sidebar to show the new balances. I've also updated my balance for CC1, although I won't receive the statement until next month. I'm miles away from my goal now.
I found out yesterday that I've managed to drop a dress size, which isn't a good thing. I had to buy a 6 (US 2?)instead of my usual 8. A few days of not having proper meals and I'm down a size. Once my mouth's better I'll be back to normal.
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July 9th, 2011 at 08:21 pm
It's nearly time for me to leave and pick up hubby from work. I had a nice, relaxing day. I only spent £3.15 today so that was good.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that hubby is definetly going to help me with CC2 (almost half of the balance is his) He hasn't helped me before because I've known that he has other things to pay, plus it's MY credit card, I have to pay it. Well he's going to contribute as from next month. I know some of you may be thinking that we should have a joint account already so we really shouldn't have any issues like this.. but we haven't got one yet. I don't see the need to yet as, unfortunately, we're not running a house. We both, however, know each other's bank balances and always check in to see where we're both at.
I also had another conversation with hubby about my other credit card. He wants me to use it to fix my power steering - sometimes it's heavy, sometimes light - and my rear windscreen wiper. I want to save some more money first towards it. He views my credit cards as the only way of fixing my car; I'm trying - slowly - to build a car fund for these sort of problems. I haven't added anything to my car fund or EF yet this month, I really should.
I'm halfway through my new book. The author is actually Rosamund Lupton, not Lipton, just in case anyone else wants to read it. If I hadn't met my friend I may have almost finished it. Oh well, it was nice to catch up.
One of our friends just got a house with his girlfriend, and her daughter. Is it bad that I'm envious of them? We've been invited over tonight so I'll get to see their house.
Hope everyone has a great day since I think I'm about eight hours ahead so my day is almost over. In case you haven't guessed the time difference between London and New York is mentioned a few times in the book.
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July 3rd, 2011 at 08:20 pm
I've mentioned that I pay all of my bills online. On payday I paid all of my bills that were due (just waiting on the other direct debits coming out for others) Well I signed on yesterday to view my credit card balance and I've been charged a late payment fee of £12. It was due on the first, I paid it on the first. I'm so annoyed at myself for letting this happen. This won't happen again.
In other news, I'm enjoying spending my "fun" money. I've ordered a book from play - Sister - just waiting on it arriving. I also bought myself two cookbooks: one devoted to baking, the other easy pasta dishes. Not that I ever cook. The most time I spend in the kitchen is when we're both off and I make us breakfast and lunch. I really want to cook something soon though. Oh I've spent £7.09 on myself. (I budgeted £10 - small amount, I know)
I received some bad news from my friend. She's lost her baby. It's still inside her. She's going to the hospital tomorrow. I told her I'll be thinking about her when she goes in. I didn't know what else to say.
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July 1st, 2011 at 08:57 am
I always have a productive mornning on payday, mostly because I pay all my bills online and transfer money to savings online. This morning I've also been to the shops and back. I had to pay mine and hubby's xmas savings to my work colleague. She finishes up today for her holidays so I had to give our money to her. That's another thing ticked off the list. And it's not even 9am yet (almost).
My auto savings transfer and my normal savings were added to my Moving Out Fund today (£30) New balance: £479.15 My no spend month definetly helped my savings.
I paid extra to both credit cards this morning. With credit card 2 I'm taking a new approach. I added the minimum payment and interest. I paid that amount (£78) to the card. They also charge me for repayment cover, which I agreed to when I first got the card, but I haven't accounted for that. I figure two out of three isn't too bad.
Posted in
June 30th, 2011 at 04:43 pm
It's the the last day of June and I haven't spent a penny I think that my NSM has been a success, despite a few setbacks - namely my windscreen and breakdown cover.
Here's what I spent this month:
£35.78 Beginning balance
- £2.78 (savings transfer)
+ £781.76 (wages)
- £13.00 (dental plan)
- £25.00 (savings transfer)
- £160.00 ("rent")
- £300.00 (hubby)
- £65.00 (credit card 2)
- £41.00 (credit card 1)
- £56.00 (catalogue)
- £70 (cash withdrawal)
- £20.00 (cash withdrawal)
+ £300.00 (cash credit - hubby)
- £2.40 (ASDA)
- £4.50 (candles)
- £45.00 (dentist)
- £70.00 (windscreen replacement)
- £50.00 (DH debt to MIL)
- £16.76 (AA)
+ £105.00 (cash credit)
- £90.75 (6 month road tax)ras
- £50.00 (savings transfer)
- £22.31 (phone bill)
+ £45.00 (dentist reimbursement)
- £98.42 (car insurance)
- £18.90 (Harry Potter tickets)
- £16.68 (AA)
+ £20.00 (money from mum for tickets)
- £49.04 (savings transfer)
= £0.00
Extra transferred to savings = £101.82
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£2.24
= £35.36 spent/ £34.64 remaining
I decided to add everything saved apart from small change (5p, 2p and 1p) I added £20 to my car fund and £14.40 to my emergency fund. I put the small change into my money bags which I'll take to the bank soon and add to savings.
All in all, I've done better than I thought I would.If my windscreen didn't need replaced I would have saved £70 more, but that's life. Now all I need to do is think of my July goals.
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Car fund
June 19th, 2011 at 08:20 pm
I ran out of cereal bars today. I bought an 8-pack of Rice Krispie cereal bars and a snack-pack of Oreos (only 50p)The cereal bars will last me two weeks, oreos should last this week (4 pack, 1 each shift)
Total spending: £2.25
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£3.40
snacks £10/£4.94
= £32.66 spent/ £37.34 remaining
Total saved = £52.78
I was talking to a woman at work this weekend, she got me thinking about joint bank accounts. We still have our own separate accounts. When we get our own place it will change but it works well for us now.
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June 15th, 2011 at 07:16 pm
£192.86 previous balance
- £16.76 (AA)
+ £105.00 (£85 road tax, £20 hubby)
- £90.75 (6 month road tax)
= £190.35 remaining
Cash envelope balances:
petrol £50 beg/£29 remaining
packed lunch £10/£5.65
snacks £10/£5.95
= £29.40 spent/ £40.60 remaining
Also, we never went to Zumba last night so I still have my £10 put aside for that.
Upcoming expenses:
phone £22.31
insurance £98.42
AA £18.98
= £139.71
That will leave me with £50.64. I'm going to claim back the money from the dentist (£45) so that will be £95 left... hopefully. Plus, any cash left over will be saved too. I might actually do this!
Posted in
June 3rd, 2011 at 08:20 am
It's payday. I've spent the morning paying bills. Later we're going to Edinburgh Anyway, this is what things look like so far:
£35.78 opening balance
- £2.78 (savings)
= £33.00
+ £781.76 wages = £814.76
- £13.00 (dental plan)
- £25.00 (savings)
- £160.00 ("rent")
- £300.00 (husband)
- £56.00 (catalogue)
- £65.00 (credit card 2)
- £41.00 (credit card 1)
= £154.76 remaining
Total saved = £2.78
Total spent = £660.00
This has all been on bills though, plus I'm due £300 back from hubby so it's not that bad.
Posted in
May 30th, 2011 at 10:46 pm
Well, this No Spend Month is actually happening. TarWalker is partially joining me. She is aiming to save $150, I haven't actually thought of how much I'd like to save. It will be good to see how June turns out.
For this No Spend Month I will:
1)only purchase necessary items
2)withdraw cash for variable expenses which are already budgeted for - once it's gone, it's gone
Variable expenses: petrol (£50), packed lunch (£10) and snacks for room (£10) I've got a stack of envelopes waiting to be used.
Right now I'm thinking that all money saved will go towards savings.
May was a busy month, we had a wedding and a party. I overspent at the party. June will not be the same. However, I did manage to start both my EF and car fund.
I only have one goal for June: complete a No Spend Month.
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May 28th, 2011 at 09:25 am
My leftover money is slowly disappearing. I'm choked with the cold so we went to Morrisons to pick up a few things. £23.80 later we were done. That leaves me with jus over twenty pounds left and I told hubby I'd give him £20 to help him pay back his mum so, effectively, it's gone.
My mum just got a new cable package and it includes broadband. She doesn't have a computer so she asked me to order a laptop for her from my catalogue. I done that yesterday. She's going to give me money each month towards it.
The other day I paid £2 extra towards CC1. Just a small £2 payment. I didn't know if it would let me make such a small payment, but it did.
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May 24th, 2011 at 06:54 am
I admit it: I haven't tracked my finances properly this month. Normally I write down spending on the same day in my notebook but I just haven't. I do know that I will have £50 left over this month but it looks as though I'll have to get a new tyre. I've had to pump my tyre up a few times within the last couple of weeks.
We've been quite busy - party last Saturday and a Wedding the week before that. That'll be me for a while though.
Hubby has spoken to MIL about what he owes her - she disagreed with what he was saying... until he showed her his notebook that he uses to keep track of what he's paid to her. She wanted to keep his notebook. Sorry, no. She copied down the last few payments into her book. By the way, he's at £600 now.
I need to get a filling next month. £45
My mum offered to give me money to put money into savings. I declined and told her to open up her own savings account instead (she doesn't have one)
I got some overtime at work, not as much as last month, but it's still something.
It doesn't look like I'm going to achieve my goals this month. Next month I'll probably just make one goal.
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April 1st, 2011 at 08:03 pm
I completed all of my March goals. However, I did end up taking money out of savings. I suppose it's better than using my credit card. At least I can replace the money and benefit from it in the future.
I've been trying to think of realistic goals for April. For April my goals are:
[]get overtime
[]pack 100%
It's Mothers Day on Sunday. I redeemed my rewards from my catalogue (£23.13) and ordered my mum a bunch of flowers and chocolates. It only cost me £1.87.
It's my mum's Birthday this month. I just need to buy her card, I've already got her presents in. We're treating my mum to a takeway on her birthday so will need money for that.
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March 31st, 2011 at 10:16 am
We came home on Tuesday night, it was great to get away. I have to admit I enjoyed it, if only it was permanent. It's not all good news though, a few days into our trip we started spending money for food, not a lot, but some. This money wasn't for our holiday, it was for my bills which are due out within the next few days. Today I have to go to the bank and take money out of savings to replace it. We spent £100. This included travelling too. We had plenty of Pot Noodles but a few days in we were getting bored, next time we're bringing different pasta dishes with us. We came back with four Pot Noodles so hubby is going to take them to work.
I got my credit card bill before we left. I took a good look at it when I woke up this morning. It's at 2k now! I have to get that balance down.
We discussed using savings to pay off debt while we were away. Hubby thinks I should use my savings to make a dent in the credit card; I'm against it. I told him I will feel bad enough taking money out to replace the money we used. However, I can see his point though. I know that if we don't have debt or have less debt we can put more into savings. But I do feel better adding to savings. Maybe if I had a few grand saved, or even £1000 it wouldn't bother me, but it does. We need savings to get out of here.
Posted in
March 16th, 2011 at 08:29 pm
I may have to withdraw some money from savings. I spoke to my mum yesterday and she asked if she could borrow money. The reason she's asking is because she owes the phone company £172, and she doesn't have it. When I told her I'd have to take it out of savings she told me not to do that, however, I will to help her. I asked her how much money she actually had and she didn't know. Tomorrow we're going to check her balance and see what she's got. My mum's hoping to pay the majority of it, with me just helping out a little. It's due in seven days - well, less now.
In other news, we will have very little to spend on our trip next week. I think I may only have about £20 spare this month. DH has more leftover than me. However, he needs to keep money in his account for a few things that are still left to pay. He knows we're not going to spend a lot, we're going to see his family and get away from here. The only place I really see us spending money on is transport. Hubby was talking about taking his cousins to the pub but we'll see. Basically I'm going on this trip with the intention of spending as little as possible. Hopefully his family are in walking distance.
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March 12th, 2011 at 09:12 am
Yesterday was payday. After paying bills I added £45 to savings.
I managed to only spend £10 at the pub last night.
I woke up to see snow this morning. I think there's about 2 inches of it. I hope it doesn't get as heavy as the last time it was here, I'd like to try driving in it this time.
Posted in
March 6th, 2011 at 07:44 pm
This weekend two friends got in touch with me and hubby. Both of them want to meet up. We're meeting hubby's friend tonight at the pub for a few (soft) drinks. On Friday we're meeting my friend at the pub too. I'm expecting Friday to cost more since we're both going to have a few drinks, not a lot though. I haven't seen her since last year. I explained to my friend that we're going away in a few weeks so will need money for that.
Hubby bought some food for our trip during the week. We now have plenty of Pot Noodles, macaroni, pasta and instant mashed potato to last us a week. When we got to the checkout I explained to the woman that we're really not that unhealthy; we're just stocking up for going away. When we came home, we found some individual portions of cereal in our cupboard - a Variety Pack - so we're going to take them aswell. Next on the list is toiletries although we won't be taking a lot. We'll be buying them on Friday.
I packed everything at work today. I have plenty of snacks to last me for a few weeks so I should manage to avoid spending at work.
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February 25th, 2011 at 06:01 pm
In roughly four weeks from now DH and I are going to visit his auntie and cousins. I've never met her, and it's been 10+ years since hubby seen her. I paid for the train tickets with cash and put the hotel on my credit card (bad I know!) It's working out about £24 a night for the travel lodge we're staying at. We're going to take plenty of food to snack on while we're there, right now all I can come up with is Pot Noodles and cereal bars, and sachets of coffee and teabags.
I know this money should have gone into savings but hubby really wants to go and visit them. Plus, it will get us away from here for almost a week.
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February 4th, 2011 at 07:15 pm
Took my car to the garage today for its MOT and service. Well there's a lot wrong with it - handbrake cable, brakes and oil, to name a few things. The garage phoned today and told me it will cost £770 to fix. Remember that credit card I cleared less than four weeks ago? Well I'm goiing to have to use that cos I haven't got enough credit left on CC2 to pay for it. The costs are mostly for their labour, apparently it's a big job. I won't get the car back till next week. I wish I had a car fund.
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January 28th, 2011 at 06:01 pm
Today is my second no-spend day in a row 
It's our going out anniversary next month. We still like to acknowledge it. I suggested to hubby today that we go to the pub for a meal. It will get us out of the house, and we get to choose what we're having. We spent £40 on last year's meal, this year I'm thinking £20 max. Anything to get out of the house. If we lived in a nice warm country we'd most likely go for a picnic. Unfortunately, we don't.
I've agreed to go to Zumba next week with hubby's mum. She was talking to me about how she wants to lose weight. Apparently a woman at her work raves about it so she's decided to go. She didn't specifically ask me but I picked up on the hints. I told her I'm free after work to go. As it happens, I'm on holiday next week. I'm curious to see what the class will be like. I checked prices and it's £3 a class.
I'm going to check my bank balance tonight, just to see where I'm at. I'll need to withdraw money for the class next week, and money for the meal.
Posted in
January 24th, 2011 at 08:34 pm
Gave my mum £20, and bought some bread and milk for her.
Bought a cardigan today that I had my eye on last week. It was £9 last week, half price today.
Tomorrow I will be buying wine to take to my mum's when I go over for dinner. Estimated expense: £4
Never spent a penny at work today. Tomorrow will be the same.
Less than three weeks till payday now.
Posted in
January 16th, 2011 at 07:04 pm
I only got paid 2 days ago and already Im thinking of ways to save money. DH thinks I'm like this all the time anyway but these past few days I've been constantly thinking about my outgoings for the next four weeks. So, what are my reasons? Well my MOT is due next month. I really DO NOT want to put any of it on the CC, I want to pay for it with cash. I just got rid of one credit card, I don't want to add to the remaining one any more (I put my tyre on it) I'm thinking worst case scenario that work will need done since it is an old car. Aargh! If I had money saved for car maintenance I wouldn't have this problem!
Anyway so do I still have to pay within these next four weeks?
- petrol
- phone bill
- car payment
- car insurance
- dental plan
- Christmas savings
- auto savings transfer
- fix leak in alloy wheel (has to be done before MOT)
The only good thing about not using my car for almost four weeks is that I didn't have to get petrol as soon as I got paid.
I'm expecting my car insurance to go up next month because of the accident.
For the next 26 days I will pack everything I need for work. Before I can do this though I'll need to buy a few things to take to work, mostly things to snack on since that's my downfall. HH has motivated me to do this I enjoyed the feeling before when I did the lunch challenge and realised how much money I'd saved.
I don't have any pub nights planned so that's good - we were out last night anyway, but hubby treated me.
OK, that's my plan. Hope I succeed!
Posted in
January 14th, 2011 at 01:05 pm
But it is already spent. This morning I cleared CC1!! I also added my first £25 to savings, it felt good. I paid my other credit card and catalogue too.
I'm not done spending. My tyre may finally get fixed today. I had to phone the AA and upgrade my membership, someone is coming out soon. That was £66 I wasn't planning on spending. I phoned the garage, they have my tyre. I think it will need to go on CC2 when I pick it up. So depressing. I had roughly £50 extra and I've used it for AA.
I'm going to focus on not buying anything at work for the next four weeks. That will save me some money.
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January 12th, 2011 at 02:26 pm
Every month I pay for my Love Film subscription. This month they offered a 20% saving if you prepaid either 3 months (15% savings), 6 months (20%) or one year (25%). I prepaid for 6 months. This means that I have leftover money since a payment was due out this week before payday. This money is going towards CC1. When I get paid I will pay the rest of CC1. For the next 6 months I will put the money I would normally use for Love Film towards CC2.
In other news, Hubby can now view his bank statements online and he is going to start getting paper statements again. This is great news for us because we can finally see where his money is going. for years he hasn't been getting statements because he had signed up for online banking, then he forgot his sign in details. The bank would only let him change his details when he had ID. Well he now has his provisional (learners permit to you guys).
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Posted in
January 6th, 2011 at 08:30 pm
Things aren't looking too good here. Hubby is in his (unauthorised) overdraft so I'm going to replace the money tomorrow. He'll still get charged but I'm hoping it won't be as bad as if I hadn't put the money in. Also, I still need to get my tyre fixed, so I'm looking into my options, preferably the cheapest. Although, and I hate to say it, I may have to use my credit card if I haven't got the money in the bank to cover it. I do not want to use it. My MOT is due next month too, so I'm hoping I will have the cash to cover it.
I'm working extra tomorrow. I was surprised when my manager asked me, it's rare to get overtime in January. I'm not complaining though, I need all the money I can get, I have goals to accomplish.
Posted in
November 24th, 2010 at 07:18 pm
This is what I end up asking myself a few days Ouafter payday. I mean I've been working extra, I should have money left over. I wish. I only got paid on Friday and I have £198.16 left. I'm going to have to claim the money back from my contact lenses so I don't end up overdrawn this month. I'm gutted, I wanted to put it into savings. Practically all of my money goes towards debt. Anyway, here it is:
average pay: £788 (every 4 weeks)
"rent" £160
car payment £101.79
car insurance £94.83
catalogue £80
dental plan £12
phone £30 (average)
petrol £40
cc1 £40
cc2 £40
Love Film £18.99
savings £5
Total: £622.61
Note: all payments listed for catalogue and credit cards are above the minimum.
Next month my road tax is due - and I haven't got any money put aside for that. I could just kick myself. Anyway that will take me to £707.86 (Next year I'm saving for road tax!)
Ok, if you managed to read all of this, thank you. Vent over.
I would love to take all my leftover money and put it into savings/clear debt.
Posted in
November 21st, 2010 at 08:22 pm
I've overspent on hubby's xmas presents. We agreed on a £50 budget. I've spent £70.47. It doesn't include a dvd he asked for though but that was only £8.
Still waiting on xmas vouchers. Gave MIL the rest of hubby's money tonight. Next year I will save half with a woman I work with and half with MIL. I haven't got much more xmas shopping to get so i don't even know if I will spend them all.
Got £20 GC from work. Had to add £3.85 to it. Bought cousin's birthday present, hubby's socks and BIL's dvd.
Working extra this week.
Found out about a budget card that the Post Office does. Going to get an application form and use the card to save for road tax next year (£150)
I wish we had our own place. It's getting to me living here. That's obviously one of my goals for next year, although sometimes I feel as though it will never happen.
Posted in
November 21st, 2010 at 08:08 pm
Got £20 GC from work today. Spent it on cousin's birthday present (£11.25), hubby's socks (£4.50)and BIL's dvd (£8.10) Total: £23.85 so had to put £3.85 to it.
Still waiting on xmas vouchers. Next year I think I'll save half with MIL and half with a woman at work. Me and hubby were talking about it today. I'm not sure if I'll even manage to spend them all when I finally get them cos I seem to be doing ok so far xmas shopping, I haven't got that much to get. I don't think so anyway.
I have overspent on hubby's xmas presents. We agreed a maximum of £50 and I've spent £70.47 (i'll need to double check this) £50 budget didn't include a dvd that he picked but I'm still well over.
That reminds me, I need to work out the rest of my outgoings for the next four weeks...
I'm working six extra hours this week. Hubby was surprised that I'm working extra. My money seems to disappear - mostly towards debt (car payments, credit cards, catalogue) so I need to get extra to try and clear it. And save too. I wish I was putting more to savings than debt, rather than the other way. In fact it'd be nice not to have any debt.
I found out that the Post Office now has a budget card. Once you have the card you can add money to it to save towards a specific bill. I think I will get one and use it to save towards my road tax next year.
I'm going to have to think of goals for next year. I'd love for us to move out, it feels like it'll never happen.
Posted in
November 7th, 2010 at 06:39 pm
It was the engagement party last night. Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to it cause I knew my dad* and half-brother would be there. I was right, they were both there. Half-brother did talk to us my dad didn't, which I am so pleased about. Before we got married last year my dad was at a party I was it and he tried to talk to me (although I found out later that it was cos my HB had told him to. I told him I wasn't interested. It was nice to know that he had actually gotten the message as he didn't try once, he did end up dancing near me a lot though. I found out later from his friend that he had said "my daughter's here tonight"
I ended up drinking more than I had planned, therefore spending more. It was a good night though.
I haven't even started to write anything for NaNoWriMo yet.
Bank balance is dwindling down. Think I'll have under £5 left by the time payday is here.
I bought breakfast at work this morning. One week in to November and I've failed a goal already.
* He fell out with me in 2006 after only talking to me for about six months. I blogged about it then.
Posted in
October 24th, 2010 at 07:53 pm
Just worked out my outgoings, I know I done that before I got paid but I done it again and I will be lucky if I have £10 left at the end of these four weeks. I'm going to talk to DH tonight, see if he can get my half for his mum's birthday. I think originally we were going to do that anyway. I'll talk to him later when I pick him up.
I pre-booked tickets for me and my mum to see the new Harry Potter movie the day it's released (19th November)I spoke to my mum tonight and she was pleased. She has offered to re-imburse me for the tickets and make it her treat since I treated her last month. I might just take her up on that offer.
Also, I bought breakfast at work this morning. It was so cold (-2) Had to buy de-icer too.
Ok, no need to panic. I'll be fine.
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